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词汇 portrait
例句 The book/film presents a portrait of life in a small town.这本书/这部电影对小镇生活进行了详细描述。A lifelike portrait of his two daughters hung on the wall.一幅他两个女儿非常逼真的画像挂在墙上。The queen posed for her portrait.女王摆好了姿势让人拍半身照。The film is a devastating portrait of unemployment in a northern working-class community.这部电影是北部工人阶级失业情况极其生动的写照。Burney copied it, in mirror image, for his portrait of his cousin.为了给堂兄画肖像,伯尼将他的镜像临摹了下来。The display can be rotated from portrait to landscape view at the touch of a button.按一下按键,页面显示便可从竖排转成横排。The book drew a stark portrait of Quebec's urban poor.该书勾勒出一幅魁北克城市中穷人的凄凉景象。The portrait was hanging at an angle.这幅画像挂歪了。The portrait painter had the power to massage the king's ego or to expose his flaws.这位人像画师可以满足国王的虚荣心把他画得很英俊,也可以暴露他的缺点。He had his portrait painted by the Spanish artist Daniel Quintero.他让西班牙画家丹尼尔·昆特罗为他画像。He had a portrait painted as a birthday surprise for his daughter.他让人画了一张肖像画,想给女儿的生日一个惊喜。He finished the portrait in one sitting.他(给人)画像一次就完成了。There was a speaking portrait of her mother on the wall.墙上挂着一幅她母亲的栩栩如生的画像。It's a terrible portrait. It doesn't look anything like him.那是幅很糟的肖像画,看上去一点也不像他。The addition of the wrong colour totally killed the portrait.加涂了那种不协调的颜色后整幅画像都给破坏了。He does mainly commissioned portrait works.他主要是受人委托创作肖像作品。The portrait is going on public exhibition for the first time.这幅肖像画将首次向公众展出。The novel is a portrait of teenage alienation.小说描绘了青少年的疏离感。The story is a closely/well observed portrait of the city.这个故事是对城市生活的逼真描述。In the portrait, the King looked manly and in control.肖像画中,国王看上去男子气概十足,大权在握。Alberg took the portrait down from the wall.阿尔伯格从墙上摘下那幅肖像画。The girl's father claimed the portrait revealing his daughter's face was an insult to Islam.女孩的父亲称这幅画展示了他女儿的面孔,这对其家族是一个侮辱。Gerry's ambition was to become a portrait painter.格里的志向是成为一名肖像画家。His portrait graces the wall of the drawing room.他的画像给客厅的墙壁增添了光彩。Her portrait is at least not unhandsome.她的画像至少并不难看。Hang the portrait in a good light, please.请把画像挂在亮一点的地方。The movie is a portrait of a dysfunctional family.这部影片讲述了一个不健全家庭的故事。A full-length portrait of the Queen hung on the wall.墙上挂着女王的全身像。He took the portrait down from the wall.他从墙上摘下了肖像。The portrait hung in an oval frame on the wall.这幅画像挂在墙上一个椭圆形的画框内。He sat for his portrait.他坐著让人给他画像。He received a commission from the king to paint the queen's portrait.他受国王之命为王后画像。Sir Henry Raeburn, the famous Scots portrait painter亨利·雷伯恩爵士,著名的苏格兰肖像画家That portrait is you to the life.那张像画得活像你。A portrait of his grandfather takes pride of place in the entrance hall.一幅他祖父的肖像挂在门厅最突出的位置上。The novel provides a vivid portrait of the Holberg family.该小说生动地描写了霍尔伯格一家人。The portrait was finished after only three sittings.只让模特坐了三次,这张肖像就画完了。He gives us a portrait of the real Gandhi, warts and all.他向我们描绘了真正的甘地,包括他的不足。She said that the portrait was finished and told him to stop fiddling with it.她说那幅肖像画已经完成,要他不要再改了。My wife was impressed enough to commission a portrait from the artist.我妻子被画家所折服,所以委托他绘制一幅肖像。




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