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词汇 number of years
例句 He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin and alcohol.他有好几年时间吸食可卡因和海洛因成瘾,还整日酗酒。Harry has been enduring considerable back pain for a number of years.哈里多年来一直忍受着剧烈的背痛。The system has the ability to cumulate data over a number of years.这个系统有能力长期收集积累数据。This small band of women writers dominated the romantic fiction market for a number of years.这群为数不多的女作家占领了浪漫小说市场好几年。Capitalism of a sort has existed for a number of years.所谓的资本主义已经存在了许多年。It was a number of years before Canada was accepted by the world as a sovereign state.过了一些年加拿大才被世界各国承认是个主权国家。The amount is calculated according to the number of years you have paid into the plan.数额是根据你向该计划交款的年数计算的。The trial judge specifies the number of years to be spent in prison.审理案件的法官明确宣布了入狱服刑的年期。We have been friends for a number of years.我们已经是好些年的朋友了。A relentless campaigner, he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years.作为一名不屈不挠的活动家,多年来他一直是政府的眼中钉。Based on the history of the company, you can expect a significant appreciation in your investment over a number of years.考虑到这家公司的历史,你的投资过几年会大幅增值。The railroad has been piggybacking for quite a number of years.许多年来铁路上一直用火车平板车装运。He engaged in trade for a number of years.他做了好多年的生意。The picture remained with the artist's family for a number of years.画家的家人将那幅画保存了数年。He worked in the property business for a number of years, acquiring a reputation as a formidable wheeler-dealer.他在房地产行业混了好些年,得了个不好对付、爱耍手腕的名声。




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