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例句 The US airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways.这家美国航空公司刚刚宣布了与英国航空公司的正式合作。There is a clear link between social class and educational achievement.社会等级与教育成就有明显的联系。The study showed a link between radiation leaks and cancer.这项研究表明了辐射泄漏与癌症之间的联系。That link is an established medical fact.这一联系是已经确定的医学事实。He homed in on the one weak link in the argument.他把注意力集中在论据中的一个薄弱环节。We're trying to establish a link via satellite.我们正在努力建立卫星连接。Does the party think it is ethical to link tax policy with party fund-raising?该政党认为将税收政策和党内筹资挂钩是合乎道德的做法吗?The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.这份报告没能证明银幕暴力与现实生活中的暴力行为之间的因果关系。Studies haven't proven a link between sugar and hyperactivity.还没有研究证明糖与多动症之间有联系。There is a causal link between poverty and crime.贫穷和犯罪之间有因果联系。There is a direct link between poverty and ill-health.贫困与健康不佳有着直接的关系。If you click on this link, it takes you to our flight schedule.点击这个超链接,你就可以浏览我们的航班时刻表。Collectively, these studies showed a clear link between smoking and cancer.这些研究都表明了吸烟与癌症之间的明确联系。The old market is a living link with the past, unchanged for hundreds of years.这个老市场数百年来没有变化,是追忆旧时岁月的活化石。Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.罗林斯强调不可能证明该药物与这几起死亡事件存在因果联系。There's a good British Rail link at Clapham Junction.在克拉珀姆枢纽站有条不错的英国铁路线。There was no evidence to link the brigade to any conspiracy against Mr Bush.没有证据显示这帮人和反对布什先生的阴谋有关系。That link is an established medical fact.那一关联是已经证实的医学事实。There is a link between diet, obesity, and disease.饮食、肥胖和疾病之间是有联系的。The signals are sent by satellite link.信号通过人造卫星链路发出。Whilst on the island, a small radio was the only link they had with the outside world.在岛上的时侯,一台小收音机是他们与外界唯一的纽带。Scientists believe there is a link between diet and certain types of cancer.科学家们认为饮食与某几种癌症之间有联系。The Internet allows people from all over the world to link up for chat sessions.因特网能让世界各地的人聚在一起聊天。The studies demonstrate a clear link between smoking and heart disease.研究证明吸烟与心脏病的明确关连。Rebels bombed the Beira railroad, a vital link between the capital and the port.叛军轰炸了贝拉铁路,这条铁路是连接首都与港口的重要路线。He argues that there is an inextricable link between poverty and poor health.他认为贫穷和疾病之间有着密不可分的联系。The next stage is to link the film up with the soundtrack.下一步是给电影配音。He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land.他下令修建连接各地城堡的道路。The driver has a radio link to base.驾驶员通过无线电链路与总部联系。They are planning a new high-speed railway to link the two capitals.他们正计划修建一条新的高速铁路将这两个首都连接起来。Police have so far failed to establish a link between the two murders.警方至今尚未找出这两宗谋杀案之间的联系。Telephone and cable lines link your home office to the outside world.电话线和电缆线路把家庭办公室和外面的世界联系起来。The U.S. airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways.美国航空公司刚刚宣布了其与英国航空公司的正式合作。The sales manager is regarded as the weakest link in the chain.销售经理被认为是整个链条中最薄弱的环节。It is no longer possible to dismiss the link between climate change and carbon emissions.不可能再无视二氧化碳排放与气候变化之间的联系了。The email contains a link to the retailer's website.此电子邮件包含能转到零售商网址的链接。A chain can only be as strong as its weakest link, so we must look at the least committed country to see if the alliance will hold.一条链子的强度取决于它最薄弱的环节。所以必须观察最不坚定的成员国来确定联盟是否牢固。Mr Swinney sought to capture the grey vote by campaigning to restore the link between pensions and earnings.斯温尼先生通过呼吁将养老金与收入重新挂钩来争取获得老年选民的选票。All kinds of human experience testify to the close link between love and fear.人类的种种经历表明爱与恐惧是密切联系的。This bit of evidence proved to be the missing link in the murder case.要弄清这桩谋杀案独缺这点证据了。




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