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词汇 notoriously
例句 The weather in Britain is notoriously changeable.英国的天气是出了名的反复无常。The law is notoriously vague on this point.众所周知,法律对这一点的规定非常笼统。English pronunciation is notoriously difficult.英语的发音出了名的难。Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.外交官可能会提供一些靠不住的误导性信息,这是众所周知的。He was known to have made a fortune on the stock market, but was nonetheless notoriously tight-fisted.都说他在股市上发了财,然而却是尽人皆知一毛不拔的人。Intelligence tests are notoriously imprecise.众所周知,智力测验并不准确。The road is notoriously prone to fog.众所周知,这条公路以时常雾气弥漫而臭名远扬。Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.统计数据有时也不可靠是人所共知的。He worked mainly in New York City where living space is notoriously at a premium.他主要在纽约市工作,那儿的住房出了名地昂贵。He was a notoriously verbose after-dinner speaker.他在饭后讲起话来是出了名地啰唆。Civil court proceedings are notoriously slow.众所周知,民事诉讼程序非常耗时。English people are notoriously repressed and don't talk about their feelings.英国人以含蓄克制闻名,不会谈论他们的感情。Let us deal with the question of his notoriously Neanderthal attitude to women.我们现在来说说他臭名昭著的、对女性态度粗鲁的问题。The legal aid charity has helped overturn some notoriously unjust verdicts.这个法律援助慈善机构帮助推翻了很多众所周知的不公正判决。My grandmother was a notoriously fussy housekeeper.我的祖母是个人所共知喜欢挑剔的管家婆。British houses are notoriously wasteful of energy.英国房屋浪费能源,是出了名的。Doctors notoriously neglect their own health and fail to seek help when they should.众所周知,医生不注意自身的健康,而且在应该求助时也不去求助。He was notoriously indiscreet in his criticism of others.他在批评别人时信口开河,因此恶名远扬。The judge may bind over those who are notoriously troublesome.法官有权命那些出名的捣乱分子具结保证不再闹事。The building trade is notoriously unstable.建筑行业是出了名地变幻莫测。The security guards are notoriously brutal.保安人员的粗暴臭名昭著。The train company is overstaffed and notoriously inefficient.列车公司人浮于事,效率低下,这是出了名的。Provincial governments are notoriously chary with grants.省级政府对拨款吝啬得出了名。The human memory is notoriously selective.人所共知人类记忆具有选择性。Sash windows are notoriously stiff to open.众所周知框格推拉窗不好打开。Banks are notoriously conservative about their dealings with clients.在与顾客打交道方面,银行的保守是出了名的。His philosophical work is notoriously impenetrable.他的哲学著作出了名地晦涩难懂。The group has been notoriously fickle in the past.这伙人过去一直是出了名的善变。Jim was a notoriously bad driver.吉姆的开车技术出名地糟糕。Maps of the region are notoriously inaccurate.众所周知,该地区的地图都不准确。The program is notoriously difficult to learn.众所周知,这个程序很难掌握。Professors are notoriously difficult to manage.众所周知,教授们可不好管。The television world was a notoriously fickle one.电视圈是出了名的变化无常。Even as a young man, Paul was notoriously tight with his money.就是年轻的时候,保罗花钱也是出了名的小气。He is notoriously indiscreet about his private life.他在私生活方面的不检点是出了名的。It's not in grocery, a notoriously tough, low-margin business.不在食品杂货业,这个行业出了名地难经营而且利润低。This route through the mountains is notoriously dangerous.众所周知,通过山区的那条路很危险。The weather is notoriously difficult to predict.众所周知,天气难以预测。Truth is a notoriously elusive quality.真理是出了名地难以把握。Britain's weather is notoriously unpredictable.英国的天气变幻无常是出了名的。




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