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词汇 laid
例句 Several proposals have been laid before the committee.几项建议已提交委员会。The insurrectionary army laid siege to the capital.起义军围攻京城。He presided over a laid-back government.他领导着一个松松垮垮的政府。I've laid myself on the line for him once already.我已经冒风险帮过他一回了。He laid a hand on her arm.他把一只手搭在她的胳膊上。They laid him to rest for all eternity.他们安葬了他,让他永远安息。The English forces laid siege to the city of Tournai.英国军队包围了图尔奈城。Vinyl can be laid in sheet or tile form.塑料地板分为卷材和块材两种。We laid the boards so that the ends were butted against the wall.我们铺了木板,使木板的两端正好顶着墙。Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.安迪转过身,大步走向克里斯,一拳把他击倒在地。The butler always laid the table.每次都是男管家把餐具摆好。The broad lines of company policy are already laid down.公司政策的总方针已经制定。In the cellar you will find the bottles of wine laid down from previous years.你在地窖里会发现一瓶瓶多年前储藏的葡萄酒。I'm having the carpets laid today.我今天要找人来铺地毯。The policeman laid hold of the thief.警察抓住了小偷。The brochure is beautifully laid out and illustrated.这本小册子编排巧妙,插图精美。Farmers have laid the blame for their problems entirely on EU policies.农场主把他们的问题全归咎于欧盟的政策。Tom fell in love the moment he laid eyes on her.汤姆对她一见钟情。Joe laid Ken out with one punch.乔一拳将肯打昏在地。The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.废弃的作坊拆除干净后,露出了数千块意大利风格的釉面砖。She received a good severance package when she was laid off.她被解雇时得到一笔不错的辞退补偿。The financial considerations are laid out in a booklet called 'How to Borrow Money'.需要考虑的经济因素在一本题为《如何借钱》的小册子中写得很清楚。The teacher laid/put stress on the need for good study habits.老师强调了养成良好学习习惯的重要性。Cuomo laid it out in simple language.科莫用简单的语言作了解释。Rather than closing up shop entirely, the company laid off half of its workers.公司没有完全倒闭,只是裁掉了一半员工。The olive trees are laid out in terraces on the hillside.山坡上的梯田种满了橄榄树。She really laid it on - saying that her kids would starve if we didn't give you a job.她真是在装可怜—说什么我们要是不给你一份工作,她的几个孩子就会挨饿了。He was smitten with her from the moment he laid eyes on her.他对她一见钟情。The policemen laid for the bandits along the road.警察埋伏在路边等著袭击匪徒。He's very laid-back and lets the kids do whatever they want.他极其泰然,孩子们想怎样就怎样。My parents are pretty laid-back and don't mind me staying out late.我父母才不担心呢,我夜归也不要紧。I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her.我得说清楚,我可没有动过她一根毫毛。His joke laid an egg and no one laughed.他的笑话太失败了,一个人也没笑。The rows of seats are laid out with a very steep rake.座位排成很陡的斜角。Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude.这里每个人态度都很散漫。They laid on a buffet for his farewell party.他们为他的告别会安排了自助餐。They laid on a superb evening.他们办了一场非常精彩的晚会。With a final flourish she laid down her pen.她最后把笔一挥放了下来。Extra buses were laid on.提供了加车。He got laid off, so now he's looking for work again.他被裁了,所以现在又在找工作了。




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