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词汇 lake
例句 The large windows permit a clear view of the lake.那些宽大的窗户让人可以清楚地看见那片湖。The broad driveway sweeps around the lake.这条宽阔的汽车道环湖伸展。He walked onwards to the head of the lake.他一直向前,走到湖的那一头。The ground rises beyond the lake.过了湖泊地势渐高。Have you got a permit to fish in this lake?你有在这个湖里钓鱼的许可证吗? You need a fishing licence / license to fish in the lake.在此湖钓鱼需要有钓鱼许可证。The lake is still today.今天湖水十分平静。Their voices carried across the lake to where we were sitting.他们的声音传到了湖这边我们坐着的地方。He saw the full extent of the lake from the air.他从空中看到那个湖的全景。We used to go boating on that lake.我们过去常去那个湖里划船。The lake was frozen over until late spring.这片湖泊直到晚春的时候仍是冰冻着的。It's better than an hour's drive to the lake.开车到那个湖要花一个多小时。The trail led over Boulder Pass before descending to a lake.那条小路穿过博尔德山口,然后往下通向一个湖。We went for a short pull on the lake.我们去湖上稍稍划了一会儿船。All of the rooms afford views of the lake.所有房间都可以看到湖景。The lake wimpled at the gentle breeze.在微风下湖水起了涟漪。Remember that time we all went to the lake?记得我们那次都去了那个湖吗?The brilliance of the sun on the lake was quite breathtaking.灿烂的阳光照在湖面上,这一美景令人惊叹。There was a lake a quarter of a mile upwind of the camp.离营地上风向四分之一英里处有个湖。The lake was recently designated a conservation area.这座湖最近被指定为保护区。It seemed that Freeman had killed the man, and dumped the body in the lake.似乎是弗里曼杀死了这个男人,把尸体扔到了湖里。The sunset tinged the lake with pink.落日把湖水染成了浅红色。Gary rowed out towards the middle of the lake.加里朝着湖心划去。They winched the car out of the lake.他们把车从湖里吊了出来。The lake has been defiled by polluters.湖水被污染了。The lake was almost solid with silt and vegetation.湖里几乎快被淤泥和植物填满了。We watched a child skipping stones across the lake.我们看着一个孩子在湖上打水漂。The wind whipped up the surface of the lake.风刮得湖面泛起波浪。Trout live in the lake.鳟鱼生活在湖里。We used to skinny-dip in the lake.我们过去常在湖里裸泳。They were floating little paper boats on the lake.他们正在湖上放小纸船玩。The flat stone skipped over the lake.石片在湖面上打着水漂削过。The castle had a deep moat which emptied into the lake.城堡有一条很深的流入湖里的护城河。In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake.出现海市蜃楼时,沙漠会呈现湖泊的形象。Located off-centre in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.在那个形状不规则的湖的偏离湖心处有一个喷泉。He just wouldn't leave me alone, so finally I told him to go jump in the lake.他就是不肯离开,最后我叫他快滚。Fish are plentiful in the lake.湖里鱼很多。She was in a rowing boat on a lake.她在湖上的一条划艇上。The farm lies on the hills above the lake.农场位于湖边的小山上。We cut the trees down to make the lake visible from the house.我们把树砍倒,这样在屋里就能看见湖了。




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