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例句 Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music.父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。We Chinese people are no more resigned to underdevelopment than you.我们中国人不甘处于不发达状况的心情不亚于你们。Jan had the radio on in the room above, but it was no more than a murmur.简在楼上的房间里开着收音机,但是只有很低沉的声音。You'll end up no more than a smart alec and you're well down that road already.你最终只会变得自命不凡,而且你现在已经很有些自以为是了。They are afraid of incriminating themselves and say no more than is necessary.他们害怕受到牵连,所以一句话都不多说。This is no more than a surmise. 这仅仅是个猜测。We were relying on the guards to give the room no more than their usual cursory inspection.我们指望警卫们只是像平时那样草草检查一下房间。Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their views.不幸的是,他只在口头上支持他们的观点。The audience pelted the speaker with questions until the chairman had to stop them,for there was no more time.听众不断向演讲者提出问题,直到主席不得不阻止提问,因为没有时间了。There's no more room on the computer disk to save the file.计算机硬盘没有足够的空间保存这份文件。He's no more able to read Spanish than I am.他和我都读不懂西班牙文。 Even if the bill were approved, it would be no more than a stopgap measure.即使议案获得批准,它也只不过是个临时措施。I'm tired of the way they treat me. From now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy! 我厌倦了他们对待我的方式。从现在起,我再也不当好好先生了!I want no more of your nonsense.我不想再听你胡说了。She was no more a crackpot than the rest of us.她和我们一样正常。I've had enough of people taking advantage of me. From now on it's no more Mr Nice Guy.我受够了老被人利用。从现在起我不再做好好先生了。After listening to his advice she had no more anxieties.听了他的忠告,她不再焦虑。With no more questions, he proceeded onward.他看到没有更多的问题就继续进行了。He's no more than a glorified accountant.说他是个会计师不过是个美称而已。We must waste no more time, but buckle to at once.我们不应该再浪费时间,要立刻干起来。Congress had done no more than set out some pious hopes.国会除了提出一些不可能实现的希望之外别无所为。The small bridge on the painting was no more than a few strokes of a pencil.画中的小桥只用铅笔寥寥涂几笔即成。The soldiers kept on firing until they had no more ammunition.士兵不断射击,直到弹药全部用完。She reached the conclusion that there was no more she could do.她得出结论,她再也没有什么可做的了。As far as I can see, this proposal is no more than an attempt to disguise many of the mistakes management have made in the past.在我看来,这个提议只是想让管理层掩饰他们过去所犯的许多错误。It would be unfair to suggest that he will be no more effective than his predecessors.暗示他不会比前任们更有作为是不公平的。There's no more work in these pit villages.这些矿井村里再没有活儿干了。Before long her white sails were no more than a speck upon the waters.不久,她的白色篷帆只是海面上的一个小点而已。This juvenile offender received no more than a judicial slap on the wrist.这名少年犯只被轻轻惩处了一下。She was lucky that she had suffered no more than hurt feelings.她很幸运,只是感情受到了伤害。She's suffering from no more than wounded pride.她只是自尊心受了伤害。Valerie failed, but that was no more than we'd expected.瓦莱瑞失败了,但这正是我们所预料的。We were standing no more than 10 yards away from the scene of the crime and we didn't realize it.我们站的地方离案发现场仅仅十码远,但我们却不知道。He was no more than a shop assistant.他不过是名售货员。There are no more worries over gasoline shortages.现在不再为汽油短缺犯愁了。He left New York in 1932 and we heard no more of him thereafter.他一九三二年离开纽约,自那以后再没有听到他的音讯。Critics will say the outcome may be no more than a face-saver for Mr Brown.评论家们会说,这个结果最多只能为布朗先生保全面子。After the first half-hour she realized that her new-found confidence was no more than skin-deep.仅半个小时后,她就意识到自己新建立起的信心不过是表面上的。We have done our utmost. There is no more we could possibly do.我们已经尽了全力,不可能再有什么办法了。He said no more, and resumed reading his newspaper.他不再说下去,继续读报。




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