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词汇 nod
例句 The Monsignor gave him a slow, expressionless nod.大人向他缓缓地点了点头,脸上毫无表情。He acknowledged the greeting with a nod.他点一点头,回答了对他的问候。Grimes gave him a nod from his station by the grave.格兰姆斯站在墓旁,朝他点了一下头。The proposal went through on the nod.这项提议获得了一致同意。He gave Sabrina a quick nod of acknowledgment.他朝萨布里娜快速点点头打招呼。The Monsignor gave him a slow, expressionless nod.教士阁下毫无表情地朝他慢慢点了下头。She inspected my work and gave a satisfied nod.她检查了我的工作后满意地点了点头。She answered with a slight nod of the head.她稍稍点了一下头作答。He gave me one look and I nipped out. A nod's as good as a wink, you know.他朝我看了一眼,我就一溜烟跑了出去。这就叫心领神会嘛!She gave an appreciative nod. 她点头表示感谢。His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.他微微点了下头,几乎难以察觉。The woman greeted us with a nod of the head.那个女人向我们点点头打招呼。He gave Sabrina a quick nod of acknowledgement.他朝萨布里娜快速点点头,示意看到了她。With a curt nod, he turned away and sat down.他简慢地点了下头就转身坐下了。He indicated its position by a nod of his head.他点头示意它的位置。The party cannot be seen to let the treaty through on the nod.不能眼看着该党让此条约毫无异议地通过。I left the table with a nod to my host.我向主人点头示意,离开了桌子。My teacher gave me a nod of reassurance and I began.老师向我点头表示鼓励,我就开始了。The ambassador dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.大使敷衍地点了一下头,示意他离开。I was ready to nod at her, but her eyes travelled past me.我打算同她打招呼,可是她的眼光越过我朝别处看了。He breezed past/by us without so much as a nod.他一阵风似的从我们身边飘然而过,头都没点一下。When he asked if she wanted something to eat, she gave a barely perceptible nod.他问她是不是要吃点什么东西,她微微点了点头。Keep him outside till I give you the nod.没我同意,别让他进来。He signified his consent with a nod.他点头表示同意。There were a number of applications, but he was expected to get the nod.提出申请的人很多,可他有希望给挑中。The assistant behind the counter gave a curt nod.柜台后的售货员匆匆地点了下头。She gave him a nod of approval.她向他点点头表示同意。The manager gave the plan the nod.经理同意这个计划。His nod betokened acceptance.他点头表示接受。Ashamed, I could only nod.羞愧的我只能点点头。Don't let yon dog nod off.不要让那条狗打盹。We're waiting to get the nod from the city to start the project.我们正在等待市政府批准开始这个项目。He received/got the party's nod as candidate for governor. 他被自己的党派推举为州长候选人。I asked if he was hungry, and he responded with a nod.我问他是否饿了,他点头回应。We're waiting for the boss to give us the nod on this one.我们在等老板同意此事。The judge appeared to nod off yesterday while a witness was being cross-examined.昨天一名证人接受盘问时,法官好像在打盹。She gave a nod, which we took to mean that she agreed.她点了一下头,我们认为这就是说她同意了。When she passed by, everyone here would look up and nod to her.当她走过时,这里的每一个人都会抬起头来向她点头致意。From time to time, he gave him an encouraging nod.他不时向他点头以示鼓励。He dismissed them with a curt nod.他只随便点了一下头就把他们打发走了。




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