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词汇 have to be
例句 You have to be ready to stand up for the things you believe in.你必须有思想准备,要坚决维护自己的信念。The interests of minorities will have to be safeguarded under a new constitution.新宪法必须能保护少数群体的利益。Luckily, iron can be reworked and mistakes don't have to be thrown away.所幸的是,铁可以再加工,次品、废品不必被扔掉。In this job you have to be able to take criticism.做这个工作你要能忍受批评。The results of the experiments were ambiguous and they will have to be done again.实验的结果模棱两可,不得不重做一遍。If damaged items have to be returned, the manufacturer may issue a credit note.损坏的商品如需退回厂家,厂家可开具欠条。The book will have to be reset because there were so many mistakes in the first printing.因为第一次印刷出错太多,本书必须重排。My old lady says I have to be home by eight.妈妈叫我八点之前必须回家。The new handle will have to be welded on.新的把手得焊上去。Given the resource implications involved, the plan will have to be scaled down.考虑到对资源的影响,计划规模不得不缩小。The walls will have to be wiped down.墙一定得擦干净。To do well as a journalist, you have to be willing to change jobs very frequently.要成为成功的新闻工作者,必须愿意经常变换工作任务。The children at our school have to be fed in two relays.本校学童只得分两批进餐。The birds have to be protected from foxes and other predators.必须保护鸟类免受狐狸和其他肉食动物的侵害。They have to be skilled up before working.上岗之前还得对他们进行技能培训。You have to be good to succeed in this game.这种游戏讲求的是本事。Equipment will have to be strongly made to endure the weather conditions on the ice cap.设备必须制造得非常坚固,才能经受住冰盖上的天气条件。I knew I would have to be very careful how I handled Odette - she was so emotional.我知道对待奥黛特得十分小心—她太情绪化了。The prices in that place have to be seen to be believed!那里东西的价格如果不是亲眼所见真难以置信!Before you can study at a British university, you have to be proficient in English.你得精通英语才能入读英国的大学。You have to be a member to go there. They won't let just any person in.你必须成为会员才能去那里。他们不是随便什么人都让进。The mushrooms are similar in appearance to poisonous one, so you have to be careful.这种蘑菇样子很像有毒蘑菇,所以你得小心。People have to be emotionally equipped to handle their success.人们务必在感情上准备好面对他们的成功。You did not have to be a clairvoyant to see that the war would go on.就算没有未卜先知的能力也能料到战争会持续下去。Sales forecasts will have to be revised downwards / downward.销量预测将不得不调低。Certain classes of mail have to be signed for when they are delivered.某些类的邮件在送达时必须签收。The vote will have to be laid over until next week.投票不得不推迟到下周举行。Obviously teachers have to be good communicators.显然,老师必须善于沟通。These matters will have to be left over until our next meeting.这些事得推迟到下次会议上讨论。To want to be an actor, you have to be a bit of an exhibitionist.要想当演员,你得有一点表现欲。These numbers are surprisingly high and they'll have to be verified.这些数字高得令人吃惊,必须加以核实。There are going to have to be some drastic changes.一定得进行重大变革。You have to be pretty with it if you want to talk to them about politics.如果想和他们谈论政治,你必须十分了解时政。You'd have to be a really good shot to get that bird from here.你得有非常好的枪法才能从这儿把那只鸟打下来。Before you can learn to ride a horse, you have to be able get on it.你要学会骑马,必须先会上马。You have to be able to describe things in a form that the end user can understand.你必须以终端用户可以理解的方式描述产品。Some people believe that to succeed in this world you have to be ruthless.有些人认为,在这个世界上要想成功必须冷酷无情。The investigator will have to be thorough.调查人员必须一丝不苟。You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can't hack it.你必须坚强自信,千万不要给人留下丝毫你应付不来的印象。Why did Stephen always have to be so secretive in his business dealings?斯蒂芬在生意上为什么总是要这样神神秘秘的?




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