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词汇 have trouble
例句 I'm sending the document as an attachment. Please let me know if you have trouble reading it.我将此文件以附件形式发送,你阅读若有问题请告诉我。I have trouble wrenching myself away from a good book.好书常让我难以释手。They have trouble even scraping together their rent.他们连凑够房租都有困难。Nearly two million people have trouble paying their fuel bills.近两百万人口无力支付他们的燃料费用。If you domesticate this raccoon,it will have trouble living in the wild.如果你驯养这只浣熊,它生活在野外将会有困难。Some teachers have trouble maintaining order in the classroom.有些教师维持不好课堂秩序。I have trouble distinguishing the difference between the two of them.我很难区分他们两个之间的差别。If you have trouble visualizing, you can also do the above in an auditory fashion.如果你觉得把它图像化很难,也可以将上述内容听觉化。Call the help desk if you have trouble with the software.若使用软件遇到问题,请致电技术咨询台。Single mothers often have trouble finding affordable child care.单身母亲常常为寻找负担得起的托儿服务而烦恼。Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs.中学辍学的青少年难找工作。I have trouble remembering the things I dream about.我想不起梦中的事了。Parents are concerned that children who have trouble in school will fall through the cracks in the school system. 家长们担心,学校里那些问题学生会被现行的教育体制所忽略。He began to have trouble with his right knee.他的右膝盖开始出现不适。I have trouble distinguishing between the two of them.我很难把他们两个区分开来。Hi there, Mark! Did you have trouble getting here?嗨,马克!你来这里是不是不好找?Left-handers have trouble using can-openers, scissors, and potato peelers.左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。You'll have trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.你如果买了那套房子就麻烦了,相信我的话。




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