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词汇 have to do
例句 I shall have to do this sum again, I think I've got the answer wrong.我必须再计算一次这道题,我想我得出的答案是错误的。We have to do this right – there is no room for half measures.我们就得这样做,不能采取折中的办法。I have to do some work on the car before it'll be ready.我得先修理一下汽车才能开。Now all we have to do is help ourselves and to pray to God.我们现在所要做的就是自助并向上帝祈祷。Like it or no, you'll have to do it.不管你喜欢不喜欢,这件事你一定得干。I have to do some grocery shopping.我得买一些食品杂货。It's no use giving people short term sweeteners - what we have to do is to go out there and win hearts and minds.给民众短期的甜头是没有用的—我们得深入社会,赢得民心。You can't just go on in your own sweet way; we have to do this together.你不能我行我素,我们得配合着干才行。Keep to the law, but apart from that, do whatever you have to do to find this man.要遵守法律,除此以外,你要想尽一切办法找到此人。These nails will have to do duty for the proper pieces.没合适的东西,只好将就用这些钉子了。After last year's train wreck of a season, we have to do better.去年那一季非常失败,我们必须做得更好。We'll have to do the best we can with this year's meager harvest.我们必须全力以赴以对付今年的歉收。Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports.日本将不得不与美国就大米的进口达成一笔交易。We haven't enough money to buy a new apartment, so we'll just have to do without.我们没有足够的钱买一套新公寓房间,所以只好将就了。We'll just have to do without a car until they fix it.在他们把汽车修理好之前,我们只好没有汽车而设法对付过去。You have to do a year's intensive training to become a paramedic.要接受一年多强化培训才能成为一名医务辅助人员。Their hearts were in their boots when they realized that they would have to do the work all over again.当发现将不得不全部从头再来时,他们的情绪十分低落。All you have to do is make a home video.你要做的就是拍一段家庭录像片。All that she would have to do was warm up the pudding.她所需要做的就是把布丁加热。I'm very fortunate in that I don't have to do the washing-up or the dusting.我很幸运,不用洗洗涮涮也不用打扫卫生。We are going to have to do some detective work on this.我们将不得不就此事进行调查侦办。Don't look at the work you have to do as a marathon.不要把你必须做的工作当做一场马拉松赛。I'm afraid you'll have to do it over in pen.恐怕你得用钢笔重写一遍。The goalkeeper did not have to do anything out of the ordinary to keep his side in the game.比赛中,那位守门员用不着花太大的力气来防守。I don't have any sugar so you'll have to do without.我没有糖了,所以你只好将就一下。Will you have to do your own typing?你要自己打字吗?I have to do the same boring jobs day in day out.我每天都要干这些单调乏味的工作。They would have to do all this within the allocations made to them.他们必须依据划拨给他们的款项去完成所有这些工作。We have to do quite a bit of reading, and then we have our ongoing work which would be an essay.我们要进行大量阅读,而且手头有一篇论文要写。Before we go and see Ian there's something I have to do.我们去看伊恩以前,我还有些事要做。If the teacher doesn't like your essay, you have to do it all over again.如果老师不满意你的作文,你就得从头再写。I try to have a positive mindset, keep my mind focused on what I have to do.我努力保持一个乐观的心态,让我的思想集中在我必须做什么上面。You have to do the job back-to-front, if you see what I'm saying. “你得从后往前做这项工作。你明白我的意思吗?”We have an understanding that whoever cooks doesn't have to do the dishes.我们有个不成文规定,做饭的不用洗碗。I have to do some chores this afternoon.今天下午我得做些杂务。I have to do the laundry today. 今天我必须洗衣服。They wrote back to me and they told me that I didn't have to do it.他们回信告诉我说不必那么做。I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice.对不起,我必须这么做,因为没有别的选择。All you have to do is to plug in and switch on.你只须接通电源,一拧开关就行了。What do we have to do to get waited on here?我们要怎么做这儿才有人来为我们服务呢?




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