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词汇 Having
例句 Having all her friends around her made her very emotional.所有的朋友都围在身边,让她情绪非常激动。Having a tea leaf around means no one trusts anyone.身边有小偷导致人们谁都不相信谁。Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Sydney.一些最好的电影院和剧院就近在咫尺,这是在悉尼生活所享受的便利之一。Having the iron on a very high heat can scorch the fabric.熨斗温度调得太高会把织物烫坏。Having your house broken into is terrible. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.家里被撬很可怕。 我希望这种事不要发生在任何人身上。Having made an error of judgement she was not without fault in the matter.由于判断失误,她在这件事上难辞其咎。Having spent a lifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive.保罗一生热衷于出风头,但最近突然变得遮遮掩掩起来。Having added more fruit juice on top, drink it down in one draught.在上面再加些果汁后,把它一口喝掉。Having children can often unbalance even the closest of relationships.有了孩子,即使原本再亲密的关系也常常会失衡。Having read the book, she will be able to pass on the acquired knowledge to trainee teachers.读完此书,她便能将从书中所得传授给实习教师。Having dusted up your appearance you must now think about your behaviour.已经重新整理了仪表,你现在必须注意自己的言行举止。Having gone a long time without scoring, he was relieved to find the net again.他好长时间没有得分,因而又有了投篮的机会时觉得欣慰。Having made the initial payment, the investor need make no further effort.支付第一笔款项后,投资者便不必再多费心思。Having an extra pair of hands during busy periods can take the pressure off.繁忙时段多一个帮手可以减轻压力。Having my car stolen really taught me a lesson - I'll never leave it unlocked again.我的车被盗的确给了我一个教训——我再也不会不锁车了。Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life.得一知己乃人生一大乐事。Having your parents living nearby is a mixed blessing.父母住得近有利也有弊。Having a car in the city might prove a hindrance.在城里有汽车反倒可能成为累赘。Having gone into the causes of the French Revolution, the book then discusses its effects.这本书详细论述了法国革命的起因,之后又讨论了革命的影响。Having to repeat things constantly can really tax your patience.老是得不断重复同样的东西真的会使人失去耐心。Having a baby changes your life completely, whatever your age.不管年龄有多大,有了孩子会完全改变你的生活。Having promised to cut taxes, the government now has an obligation to do so.政府曾经许诺要减税,现在有责任那样做。Having this disease does not necessarily mean that you will die young.得了这种病不一定就活不长。It's expensive. Having said that, I must admit that it is very well made.它很贵,但尽管如此,我必须承认它的做工非常好。Having twins usually means double trouble for the parents.生双胞胎对父母而言通常意味着双倍的麻烦。Having faster computers would make for a more efficient system.配备速度更快的计算机会提高系统的工作效率。Having so little money to spend on an apartment does limit you in your choice.可花在租公寓上的钱就这么一点,当然会限制你的挑选余地。Having had time to age, the wine has mellowed out.存放一段时间以后,这酒变得更加芳醇。Having been duly warned that I would get nowhere with my application, I went right ahead and applied anyway.虽然有人适时提醒我申请不会有什么结果,我还是执意提出了申请。Having a baby completely changes your life.生了宝宝会完全改变你的生活。Having multiple partners increases your risk of sexual diseases.性伴侣多会增加你得性病的危险性。Having juice instead of coffee was a deviation from his usual routine.他喝果汁而不喝咖啡,这不符合他的通常习惯。Having been warned of the danger, I took extra precautions.被警告有危险后,我采取了额外的防备措施。Having dealt with the problem of energy sources, let's now turn our attention to the question of nuclear power.讲完了能源问题,我们现在来谈谈核动力问题。Having done this many times before, she was self-assured and spoke without notes.因为以前讲过许多次,所以她相当自信,发言时不看稿子。Having drawn up the remnants of his forces in battle array, the Red leader harangued his men.那位红军领袖把他的剩余部队整编列队后开始训起话来。Having a broken finger made writing difficult.有根断指使得写字很困难。Having a bit on the side is the norm for some married men.发生婚外恋对于某些已婚男人来说是常有的事。Having registered, we passed out.登记之后,我们就出去了。Having tanked my car up, I took off for the city.我给汽车加满汽油之后便动身开车进城。




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