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词汇 auction
例句 The horse will be put up for public auction.这匹马将被公开拍卖。The art world will be holding its breath to see how much these paintings sell for at auction.艺术界将屏息以待想看看这些画在拍卖会上可以卖得多少钱。This table should fetch quite a bit at auction.这张桌子在拍卖会应该可以卖个好价钱。The auction was held in Paris with an Internet link to New York.拍卖在巴黎举行,同时通过因特网联通纽约。Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago.几年前,索尔兹伯里勋爵在伦敦拍得了这幅画。They take drug dealers' boats, cars and houses and auction them off after the crooks are convicted.他们收缴毒贩的船、车和房产,并在这些恶棍被定罪后将其拍卖掉。How much do you think the painting would fetch at auction?你觉得这幅画在拍卖会上可以卖多少钱?In a reverse auction, the price is driven steadily down.在反向拍卖中,物品的拍价不断下调。The airline plans to auction its international routes to former competitors.这家航空公司打算把他们的国际线路拍卖给以前的竞争对手。The goods were put up for sale by auction.这些商品以拍卖的方式出售。Amongst other pop ephemera, the auction will be selling off rock stars' stage clothes.拍卖会拍卖的流行乐坛的短时效物品中将包括摇滚歌星们的演出服装。She bought the desk at an auction.她在拍卖会上买到这张桌子。I wondered where the pictures would end up after the auction.我想知道那些画拍卖后的最终去处。He sold the homestead by auction.他拍卖了那处宅地。The hospital is an unlikely setting for an art auction.医院不太可能成为艺术品拍卖的场所。If you can buy only one case at auction, it should be vintage port.如果你在拍卖会上只能买一样东西,那就应该买上等波尔图葡萄酒。The lamps were put up at auction.这些灯具被拿去拍卖。Many of the cars you will see at auction are repossessions.你将在拍卖会上见到的许多车辆都是被收回物品。One of the world's finest collections of vintage cars is to be put up for auction.一辆世界上最好的古典老爷汽车之一将要进行拍卖。Britain's two main auction houses, Sotheby's and Christies, have been involved in valuing the works.英国最大的两家拍卖行,苏富比和佳士得参与了对这些作品的估价。He purchased this stamp at an auction.他在拍卖会中购得这枚邮票。The proceeds from the auction will be apportioned among the descendents.拍卖收益由其后代分享。The property was sold at auction.这处房产通过拍卖售出。They will auction off a collection of oils.他们将拍卖一批收藏的油画。They sold the furniture by auction.他们拍卖了这套家具。We hope to duplicate the success of last year's auction.我们希望像去年一样,再次取得拍卖的成功。The house was sold at auction.这房子在拍卖会上卖出去了。The conditions of sale were posted up around the auction room.销售条件张贴在拍卖大厅里。Trading was very light ahead of yesterday's auction.在昨天拍卖之前生意很清淡。Gene clerked at the auction.吉恩在拍卖会上作文书工作。She works as an auctioneer at an auction house. 她在一家拍卖行里当拍卖师。His booty from the auction included several rare antiques.他在拍卖会上的收获包括几件珍稀古董。Some of the paintings should fetch a tidy sum at today's auction.今天的拍卖会上,有些画应该可以卖一大笔钱。That tapestry found its way to the auction room.那块挂毯弄到最后被送进了拍卖行。 You can be carried along by the atmosphere of an auction and spend more than you planned.你会被拍卖会的气氛带动,比原计划花掉更多的钱。They're coming to auction off my farm.他们将拍卖我的农场。The buyer did not attend the auction, but sent a representative to place the bids.买主没有出席拍卖会,而是派了一名代理人来出价。The club was put up for auction last week.那家夜总会上周被交付拍卖了。They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。He outbid his rivals at the auction.拍卖中他喊价高于竞争对手。




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