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词汇 move
例句 The company will probably pack up and move south.这家公司可能会了结业务后南迁。I called the real estate agent. The contract's been sewn up, and we can move into the apartment next week.我给房产经纪人打过电话了,合同已经订好,我们下星期就可以搬进公寓住了。Even the most inspired forecasts of how prices are going to move can't be right all the time.即使最聪明的对物价走势的预测也不可能总是灵验的。He stood rooted to the spot, unable to move.他呆若木鸡,一动不动。I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move.我严密观察对手的一举一动。Interest rates are beginning to move up.利率开始提高。He said the move would definitely stem the haemorrhage of talent and enterprise from the colony.他称这一举措势必会抑制殖民地人才和企业的严重流失。The move was good public relations.这一举措是很好的公关手段策略。I was offered a job in New York, but at the time I didn't want to move so far away from my family.我得到了一份在纽约的工作,但那时候我不愿意搬得离家那么远。We should make a move before it gets any later.我们应该趁着不算太晚马上出发。Wasps launched their first fluent move of the night.黄蜂队发动了当天晚上第一次行云流水般的进攻。Once the fire has died out, the salvage team will move in.一旦大火熄灭,救援小组就会马上进入。The moons all move around the planet in the same direction.所有的卫星都沿着相同的方向绕该行星运行。The parents’ fear of gang activity caused them to move the family to a safer neighborhood.父母亲担心有犯罪团伙活动,于是举家迁往更安全的地区居住。She felt the unborn baby move in her womb.她感觉胎儿在自己子宫内蠕动。Retirees often move to a warm climate.退休者常移居到温暖的气候区。Will you help me move this table to the back room?你能帮我把这张桌子搬到后面的房间里吗?It's late - I think it's time we made a move.很晚了——我想我们该走了。We need to iron a few things out before we move in together.我们需要先解决几项事情再搬到一起住。We're a very mobile society, and people move after they get divorced.我们的社会具有很大的流动性,离婚以后人们就会搬家离开。He didn't like small towns and decided to move to the city.他不喜欢小城镇,决定搬到大城市去。The police asked the crowd to move/step back from the scene of the accident.警方要求人群从事故现场向后退。Would you move over, so I can sit next to you.你挪过去一点好吗,好让我坐在你身边。After a few weeks in Marseille, I grew restless and decided to move on.在马赛住了几星期后,我开始呆不住了,决定换个地方。The male keeps a careful watch on their every move.那个男子密切留意着他们的一举一动。It's all part of a conspiracy to dispense with the town centre all together and move everything out to Meadowhall.彻底抛开市中心而把所有东西都搬到梅多霍尔购物中心,这完全是一场阴谋的一部分。There is a deep split in the country over the best way to move forward the peace process.该国内部在何为推进和平进程的最佳方法问题上有着严重分歧。When the time comes to move out of their apartment, they will have saved up enough money to buy a house.等到该搬出公寓的时候,他们也就攒够买房子的钱了。It was vacation time, and the highways were full of families on the move.那是度假时节,公路上驾车出游的家庭往来不绝。 Environmental experts said the move would set back further research.环境专家说这一行动将阻碍进一步的研究。They wanted to move out of town and start a new life in the country.他们想搬离城市去乡村开始新的生活。She held the gun to his head and said, "One move and you're dead!"她拿着枪对着他的头,说:“动一下你就没命了。”When I woke up, I found I couldn't move my legs.我醒来时发现腿动不了了。Don't move, or you'll destroy the effect.别动,不然就把效果破坏了。He's hoping to forward his career by this move.他希望此举能促进他的事业。Could you move please Sonia. You're in my way.请你挪一挪好吗?索尼娅,你挡着我的路了。I'm not keen on having a mobile phone, but I suppose we must all move with the times.我不热衷于买手机,可我认为我们都得跟上时代潮流。Travelers can move through the country without hindrance.游客可以毫无阻碍地在该国自由行动。When threatened, the government blinked and agreed to move the missiles.政府在受到威胁时做出了让步,同意将导弹移走。It is difficult to gauge what the other party's next move will be.很难判定对方下一步要做什么。




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