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词汇 买东西
例句 By shopping economically, you can save a lot of money on your weekly bill.买东西节约点,每个星期可以省不少钱。I can't be arsed to go shopping this afternoon.我懒得今天下午去商店买东西Next time you go shopping, throw in a few extra fruit and vegetables.下次你去买东西,多买点水果蔬菜。He has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion.人们甚至知道他有时自己会出去买东西I never saw anyone go in to buy. Whether they ever did I don't know.我从未见过有人进去买东西。到底有没有人进去过,我不知道。We like to get the marketing done on Thursdays so we can have the weekend free.我们喜欢周四去买东西,这样周末就能自由安排了。No one in her right mind would make such a major purchase without asking questions.没有哪个心智正常的人会连问都不问就花这么一大笔钱买东西I paid for last week's shopping and you paid for this week's, so let's call it quits.上周买东西我付的钱,这周是你付的,这样我们就两不相欠了。It's a good idea to shop round and compare prices.买东西到处问问价格,比较一下,不失为一个好主意。Would you get some coffee when you go shopping?你去买东西时买点咖啡好吗?I went shopping and got some threads.我上街买东西,买了些衣服。Mum's just gone down to the shops.妈妈刚刚去商店买东西了。I went shopping in spite of the rain.尽管下雨,我还是出去买东西了。Mother is sick and not up to going out to the store.母亲病了,体力不支,不能出门到店里去买东西If you don't want to go to the shops you can telephone your order and they'll deliver it.如果你不想到商店去买东西,你可以打电话订购,他们就会把货送来。Mr Parker, my next-door neighbour, is getting old and I sometimes go to the shops for him.住在我隔壁的帕克先生已上了年纪,所以我有时替他去商店买东西You have to be able to wheedle your client into buying.你必须会用甜言蜜语哄你的顾客买东西We do our shopping before the noon heat.我们总在中午最热的时候之前去买东西That's not a shop I patronize nowadays.那家商店我现在不去买东西了。My sister's really generous. She's always buying things for her friends.我姐姐非常大方,她总是给朋友买东西She doesn't get a big salary yet she's always buying things.她工资不高,但总是在买东西It is usually cheaper to buy the goods direct from the wholesaler.直接从批发商那里买东西一般比较便宜。I spent my lunch hour shopping.我利用午餐时间买东西Mary always pays cash down for anything she buys.玛丽买东西总是当场付现金。I have traded at that grocery store for years.我在那家食品杂货店买东西已有多年。Lora has gone shopping.劳拉买东西去了。She's out shopping.她出去买东西了。She asked me if I'd mind the children for an hour while she went shopping.她问我她去买东西时我能否照看孩子们一个小时。I can do your shopping for you.我可以帮你买东西I've been rushing around shopping all day.我一整天都在匆匆忙忙地买东西I shall sit in for you while you go to the shops.你去买东西的时候,我将代你照料一下。I couldn't go shopping yesterday so I'll have to go today.我昨天没能去买东西,所以今天我必须去。You're absolutely useless - can't you even go to the shops without getting lost!你真没用——连去商店买东西都会迷路!I'm not doing the shopping - that's your job.我才不去买东西呢—那是你的事。Mother does her shopping on Saturdays.母亲常在星期六去买东西I shall withdraw my custom from that shop.我将不再去那家店铺买东西了。I'll do the shopping this afternoon.今天下午我会去买东西I used to trade at that store.过去我常在那家商店买东西Don't buy from that shop; they put it on.别从那家商店买东西,他们要价太高。She tried to persuade people not to patronize the store until it agreed to hire black assistants.她试图劝说人们不要去那家商店买东西,除非这家店同意雇用黑人店员。




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