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If I had some money, I would spend it on books.假如我有钱的话,我会用来买书。He spent important money on books.他花了很多钱买书。Workers at the store get a discount on books and records.那家商店的员工买书和唱片可以打折。In his flusher days he spent a good deal on books.在比较富裕的日子里他花了许多钱买书。That left little for book purchases or anything else.那样一来,花在买书或其他用途的钱就很少了。He spent a great deal of money on books.他花了大量的钱买书。She never stinted her children for money to buy books.她从不吝惜掏钱让子女们买书。Students have less money in relative terms, but spend more on books.相对来说,学生手里的钱较少,但买书花的钱却较多。 |