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词汇 modern
例句 Eliot considered modern society to be both culturally and spiritually empty.艾略特认为现代社会在文化上和精神上都很空虚。She is very modern in outlook.她的观点非常新潮。She uses modern-day Los Angeles as the setting for her book.她以现代洛杉矶作为自己的书的背景。Many of these ideas have been neglected by modern historians.这些观念有许多都被现代的历史学家忽略了。The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly.该国没有现代枪炮来给预备役部队提供适当装备。The modern conservatory is not an environment for nurturing plants.这个现代化温室的环境不适合培育植物。Their music is described as "an explosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms".他们的音乐被描述为“拉美和现代爵士节奏的爆炸性融合”。Is modern science on the skids?现代科学在衰落吗? The production is a modern staging of the fairy tale "Cinderella".这部剧是童话故事《灰姑娘》的现代版。Germany had built a modern navy.德国建立了一支现代化的海军。Inactivity is a disease of modern man.懒散是现代人的通病。He and his wife lived in a modern bungalow on the outskirts of the city.他和妻子住在市郊一幢新式的平房里。The music blends traditional and modern melodies.这首乐曲糅合了传统旋律和现代旋律。His high-school science course covered many of the basic precepts of modern physics.他在中学修的理科课程包含了许多现代物理学的基本规律。I have to say I don't much care for modern music.我得说我不太喜欢现代音乐。The new houses have piped water, electricity, central heating and other modern conveniences.新建房屋有自来水、电力供应、集中供暖以及其他现代设施。Here you can relax and sample life without the trappings of modern business.在这里你可以放松,可以体验没有现代商业价值标志的生活。We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.我们正在经历现代最严重的一段经济衰退。The decor is a mix of antique and modern.这种室内装修风格是古风与现代的混合体。I don't understand his partiality to modern art. 我不理解他对现代艺术的偏爱。By modern/today's standards, the house is just too small.以现代/现今的标准来看,这房子真是太小了。Once the damage is done, even modern surgery can't undo it entirely.伤害一旦造成,即使是现代外科手术也无法将其完全消除。The modern-day diet has too little fiber in it.现代人的饮食含纤维太少。We need to adopt more modern methods of doing things.我们需要采用更加现代的办事方法。These people have had very little contact with the modern world.这些人和现代世界几乎没有多少接触。Some people still fondly believe that modern science can solve all the world's problems.有些人仍然天真地认为现代科学能解决世界上所有的问题。They were very modern Tories in almost every sense.从几乎所有意义上说,他们都属于非常新潮的保守主义分子。Irving's work bears comparison with the best of the modern novelists.欧文的作品堪与最优秀的现代小说家的作品媲美。Scientific research is the backbone of modern industrial development.科研是现代工业发展的基础。In the afternoon they went to an exhibition of modern art.他们下午去参观了现代艺术展。Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones.原先是想在历史的场景中夹杂现代场景。She's a modern-day Joan of Arc.她是当代的圣女贞德。The family is the basic social unit of modern society.家庭是现代社会的基本单位。She found she couldn't string along with their modern notions.她感到她不能接受他们那些时髦观念。 Tradition and culture are often at variance with the needs of modern living.传统和文化常常与现代生活的需要有冲突。The old grate had been replaced by a modern gas fire, which was the source of the heat.旧式壁炉已经被现代煤气取暖器所代替来供暖。Thanks to the spread of modern technology, trained workers are now more vital than ever.由于现代技术的普及,现在训练有素的工人所发挥的作用比以往任何时候都更为重要。In comparison with modern methods, it seems an incredibly slow and unsophisticated way of making cars.与现代的生产方式相比,用这种方法制造汽车显得极其缓慢,极其简陋。She did a comparative study of classical and modern art.她对古典和现代艺术做了比较研究。He practically invented the modern stand-up comedy act.他实际上发明了现代单口喜剧的表演方式。




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