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词汇 mix in
例句 Mince the meat and mix in the remaining ingredients.将肉绞碎,拌入余下的原料。Gradually mix in the flour.一点一点地掺入面粉。Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.胃里的食物和液体通过肌肉收缩混合在一起。They couldn't expect to mix in with the children.他们想不到会和孩子们打起来。She has never liked parties, as she doesn't mix in very easily.她从不愿参加联谊会,因为她很不容易合群。The substances were mixed in various proportions until an optimum was reached.将不同比例的各种物质混合,最终达到最优状态。When the rice is cooked, gently mix in all the other ingredients.煮好米饭后,慢慢地拌入所有其他配料。Slowly mix in the rice.慢慢地搅拌到米饭中。When spraying weeds, it is a good idea to mix in a marker dye with the herbicide.给杂草喷药时,将做标记的染色剂与除草剂混合是个好主意。The paint should be mixed in the proportion of one part of paint to two parts of water.涂料应该按一份涂料两份水的比例调合。Mash the potatoes and then mix in the butter and herbs.将土豆捣成泥,然后拌入黄油和香草。Did he mix in the quarrel?他有没有参与那场争吵? Even as a child,he found it difficult to mix in with other children.他就是在小时候也很难与其他小孩合得来。After you have beaten the eggs,mix in the flour gradually.你把鸡蛋打好后,就逐渐把面粉掺进去。




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