例句 |
Valuable pieces of china were on display in a glass-fronted cabinet.贵重瓷器陈列在正面是玻璃的柜子里。Valuable items should be locked away.贵重物品应该锁起来。Valuable seconds were wasted while Schumacher's car was stuck in the pits.舒马赫的车陷在了坑里,宝贵的时间一秒一秒地被浪费掉了。Valuable papers had been irretrievably lost in the fire.有价值的文件已毁于大火,无法挽回。Valuable paintings had been removed for safekeeping.贵重的画已被取走置于安全保管之中。Roberts beat out Tony Gwynn for the Most Valuable Player Award.罗伯茨击败托尼·格温获得最有价值球员奖。 |