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词汇 valuable
例句 The thieves stole several valuable works of art.盗贼偷走了几件珍贵的艺术品。Dad had long since divested himself of anything valuable.爸爸早就把值钱的东西都卖光了。The caller claimed to possess valuable information about the boy's whereabouts.来电者称,他掌握了那名男孩下落的重要信息。He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday present.他给我买了一只贵重的钻戒作生日礼物。I learned a valuable lesson.我得到了一个宝贵的教训。This information is a valuable clue in our hunt for the bombers.这一信息是我们追捕放置炸弹者极有价值的线索。The house is full of valuable antiques.屋子里摆满了珍贵的古董。Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic.亨利无意中在阁楼里发现了一些很珍贵的硬币。He was not expected to be released because he was considered a valuable chip in this game.他不可能获得释放,因为他在这场游戏中被视为非常有价值的筹码。Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University.我们的很多老师也和海德堡大学保持着有益的学术联系。These crustaceans provide a valuable food source for some fish.这些甲壳动物是某些鱼类重要的食物来源。He was able to provide the police with some valuable information.他能给警方提供一些重要信息。Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations.时间是最宝贵的资源,特别是在考试的时候。She is a valuable member of the staff.她是名很难得的员工。There's a valuable place for fashion and design that pushes the envelope a bit.在原有尺度上有所突破的时尚和设计受到人们的重视。Some rare cancellations are very valuable.有些罕见的邮局盖销戳记是非常珍贵的。Any further investment would be a waste of valuable resources.任何进一步的投资都是对宝贵资源的浪费。Several valuable items were stolen.几件贵重物品被盗。Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land.居民们说,当地的帮派头子用暴力夺取宝贵的土地。The art gallery was broken into last night, and the thieves got away with two valuable paintings.艺术馆昨晚遭入室盗窃,被偷走了两幅珍贵的画。Further building development would threaten valuable badger and red squirrel habitats.继续进行建筑开发会对珍稀的獾和红松鼠的生存环境构成威胁。The study provided valuable insight into the development of the disease.该研究对这种疾病的发病过程提出了有价值的见解。A lot of valuable advice/information can be found in this book.从这本书中可以找到很多有用的建议/信息。The Internet has become a valuable resource in schools.因特网已成为学校的一个非常有用的教育资源。Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine.学生可以通过在校园电台或校刊工作来获得宝贵的经验。Some of Spain's most valuable art treasures are housed in El Prado.西班牙一些最有价值的艺术珍品被收藏在埃尔普拉多博物馆里。Manning hoped to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible.曼宁希望以尽可能低的价格买到有价值的艺术品。If the painting is an original, it will be very valuable.如果这幅画是原作,会非常值钱。The fire had destroyed most of the building, but we managed to salvage a few valuable items.大楼的大部分都被火烧毁了,不过我们设法抢救出了一些贵重的东西。Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.古旧的相机不一定就值钱。If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。They grub out the valuable old vines and replant their vineyards to get higher yields from the younger vines.他们挖出珍贵的老葡萄树,重栽了新的,以期提高葡萄园的产量。We lost valuable time stuck in traffic.堵车浪费了我们宝贵的时间。I resent all these encroachments on my valuable time.我不满所有这些占用了我的宝贵时间的行为。This experience is valuable to me.这一经历对我很有用。The scarceness of the metal made it valuable.这种金属因稀缺而变得贵重。Detectives found valuable evidence in the flat.警探在公寓发现了有价值的证据。Banning the carnival will deprive law-abiding citizens of a source of culturally valuable entertainment.禁止庆祝狂欢节将剥夺守法市民参加具有文化价值的娱乐活动的权利。We were lucky enough to latch onto a valuable piece of land at a low price.我们运气很好,以低价买得一块很有价值的土地。He has kindly consented to give us some of his valuable time.他真好,答应抽出一些宝贵时间给我们。




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