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词汇 valley
例句 The valley is shut off from the modern world.这个山谷与现代世界完全隔绝。The horses thundered across the valley floor.马群轰隆隆地从谷底奔跑而过。The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.卡车正沿着赞比西河谷的陡崖缓慢行驶。The castle is situated on a hill overlooking a valley.这座城堡坐落在小山上,俯瞰着山谷。Heavy rains, in the central valley in particular, have driven up the price of lettuce.大雨,特别是中部山谷地区的大雨,使生菜价格上涨。Their house has wonderful views across the valley.他们的房子能看到山谷那边的迷人景色。She raised her binoculars to the distant road across the valley.她举起双筒望远镜对准远处山谷对面的那条公路。A vast panorama of the valley lies before us.山谷宽阔的全景展现在我们眼前。From the hill we had an excellent prospect of the river valley below.我们从小山上可以看到底下的河谷景色非常美。The dam burst and the valley was flooded.水坝决口,山谷被淹了。We got on a track that led down into the valley.我们上了一条通向山谷的小路。The house on the hill overlooks the valley.小山上的房子俯瞰著山谷。We gazed across the valley.我们凝望着山谷的那一边。The goats prefer to find a breezy vantage point high on the hill where they can observe the comings and goings in the valley.山羊喜欢在山坡上找一处微风习习的制高点,观察山谷中的风吹草动。They looked down from the mountain to the valley far below.他们从山上俯瞰,下面是深深的山谷。The road followed the deeply cut river valley.这条路沿着深开的河谷一直下去。The viewpoint by the side of the road gave us a stunning panorama of the whole valley.从路边这个位置我们可以看到整个峡谷的壮观景色。He resettled his family in the valley.他在山谷中安置了新家。The valley was formed by erosion.山谷因侵蚀而成。From the house we can see the valley and the hills beyond.从这座房子我们可以看到山谷和远处的小山。The river wanders through the valley.这条河蜿蜒地穿过山谷。The path descended steeply into the valley.这条路很陡,一直通到山谷。The valley stretches from Vassai in the north to Momere in the southwest.峡谷北起瓦塞,向西南绵延至莫梅尔。From the house we can see the valley and the mountains beyond it.从这座房子我们可以看到山谷和山谷对面的山峦。The Ruhr valley has always been the centre of German heavy industry.鲁尔谷一向是德国重工业中心。A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side.一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进山谷,又从山谷的那一边向上延伸。A light mist lay in the valley.山谷中飘荡着薄雾。Steep rocks sided the valley.山谷两侧是满目陡峭的岩石。In the rainy season the river can rise rapidly to flood the valley in a few hours.在雨季,这条河会迅速上涨,几小时里就淹没了山谷。The winds came from the north, across the plains, funnelling down the valley.来自北方的风掠过平原,灌进山谷。The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba's finest beauty spots.比尼亚莱斯谷草木繁茂,土地富饶,是古巴最美的风景胜地之一。Fog was creeping into the valley.雾慢慢地飘进山谷。It was a steep climb out of the valley.从山谷里爬出来的路很陡峭。The valley has a north-south orientation. 山谷呈南北走向。The wind blustered through the valley.风呼啸着吹过山谷。We drove up a steep-sided valley.我们沿着陡峭的峡谷向上开。A clearly defined track now leads down to the valley.眼前有一条清晰可辨的小径通向山谷。The river winds through the valley.这条河在山谷中蜿蜒流淌。The wrath of summer's heat has enveloped the valley.夏日的酷暑已经笼罩了山谷。The clouds are banked up against the hills across the valley.云在峡谷两侧的群山之间聚积起来。




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