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词汇 valleys
例句 The interior flatlands and valleys are thickly planted with coconuts.内陆的平地和山谷中种着茂密的椰子树。The rivers Rhône and Rhine rise here and form broad valleys.罗讷河和莱茵河发源于此,形成宽广的河谷。At night, lights twinkle in distant villages across the valleys.夜间,山谷那头的遥远村落里灯光闪闪。The train was burrowing through valleys.火车在群谷中穿行。There are peaks and valleys in electricity usage throughout the year.一年下来,用电量既有高峰,也有低谷。Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.霍顿向外望去,肥沃的谷地和平缓的丘陵尽收眼底。There are peaks and valleys in electricity usage during the summer.夏季的用电量有高峰也有低谷。Glaciers scoured out the valleys.冰河冲刷了那些山谷。Small villages were speckled around the sides of the valleys.溪谷两边点缀着一座座小村庄。The countryside of Tuscany is a wonderful landscape of fields and valleys, with many historic monuments.托斯卡纳的乡间全是漂亮的田地和山谷,有许多名胜古迹。Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May.尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。The settlers began to move inland and populate the river valleys.移民开始迁往内陆,居住在河谷地带。Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man.从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现出人形轮廓。These mountainsides are carved and grooved with valleys.这些山坡上沟壑纵横。Mist hovered in all the valleys.所有的山谷中都飘浮着一层薄雾。Wild boar are numerous in the valleys.山谷里有无数野猪出没。Low-lying land in river valleys is often subject to flooding.河谷里的低洼地常常被水淹没。Summer pours warm sunlight into the valleys.夏日炽热的阳光泻进山谷。The mountain ridges are cut by deep valleys.山脊被深深的峡谷分开了。Evidently, these valleys were formed by glacial erosion.从现有证据来看,这些山谷是冰川侵蚀形成的。Melting snow floods the valleys each spring.每年春天,积雪消融,淹漫山谷。They crossed the mountains and headed for the valleys beyond.他们翻过山,向那边的山谷进发。In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.春天,山谷里五彩缤纷。In the evenings a blue haze hung in the valleys.傍晚时分,山谷中悬浮着蓝色的雾霭。Farmers worked the fertile valleys.农民们在肥沃的山谷里耕种。The landscape was a series of mountains, chasms, canyons and valleys.那里的地形山峦起伏、峡谷纵横。




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