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词汇 missed
例句 If we had stayed any longer, we should have missed our train.要是我们再多呆一会儿,我们就赶不上火车了。The hunter fired at the deer but missed it.猎人向鹿开了枪,但未打中。She missed the whole point of the story.她完全没抓住故事的重点。It was a spectacle not to be missed.这是不容错过的奇观。The car only missed us by a hair's breadth.这辆车差一点点就撞着我们。When I'd missed a few times, he suggested I rest the rifle on a rock to steady it.好几次我都没打中,于是他建议我把步枪放在岩石上面以稳定枪托。We missed the opening of her speech.我们错过了她演讲的开头。The shot missed badly.射门严重偏离。I would have been here an hour ago, but unfortunately I missed the train.我本来一小时前就到了,可惜我误了火车。I think I'm pregnant. This is the second time I've missed.我想我是怀孕了,这已是第二次例假没来。He fired, missed and loaded again.他开了枪,没有打中,再上子弹。They called him a choker when he missed the shot that would have won the game.他错失了一记决胜球,大家都管他叫臭手。So how come you missed the train?你们怎么会误了火车?I hope we haven't missed the last train; otherwise , we'll have to get a taxi.希望我们还没有错过最后那趟火车;否则,我们就得改坐出租车了。He missed school all week because of illness.他因病整个星期没能上学。She missed the point entirely and thought I was blaming her.她完全没有搞清楚,还以为我是在责备她。He swung and missed at a curveball in the dirt.他朝曲线球挥棒但未击中,球触地。Elliss missed three weeks because of a pectoral injury.埃利斯胸部受伤,三周没来。I missed my chance to buttonhole him.我错过了和他交谈拖住他的机会。I was listening inattentively and missed what she said.我没认真听,所以不知道她都说了些什么。We missed the bus and had to hoof it.我们错过了公共汽车,所以只好步行。He just missed being seriously hurt. 他差一点受重伤。He was a gentle, sensitive, lovable man who will be missed by a host of friends.他是一个温和、体贴而且可爱的人,许多朋友都会想念他的。Well, if you missed the presentation because you couldn't be bothered to turn up on time, that's your hard luck!嗯,如果你是因为不屑于劳神费力准时到场而误了发言,那是你活该倒霉!Skye has scarcely missed a beat as one of the Gold Coast's spectacular models.作为黄金海岸上最出色的模特之一,斯凯几乎从未错失过任何机会。Anna missed the bus, so she decided to walk.安娜没赶上公共汽车,于是她决定走着去。Anne will be sadly missed by all who knew her.所有认识安妮的人都会非常怀念她的。She went to the station to meet her father but missed him.她到车站去接父亲,可是没有遇到。She desperately missed her home comforts while camping.野营的时候她极其想念家里的舒适。Two students missed roll call.两名学生错过了点名。I tried to catch the ball but missed.我试图接球但没接住。He missed the bus by three minutes.他晚了三分钟没赶上那班公车。Mum tried to toss the pancake but unfortunately it missed the pan and hit the floor.母亲想抛起薄煎饼,可惜饼没掉进平底锅里却落在地上。We missed the deadline.我们错过了最后期限。Several publishers were asleep at the switch, and missed the book's potential.几家出版商掉以轻心,没看到这本书的潜力。He realized he had missed, and reloaded.他意识到自己没有打中,于是重新装弹。I hope to hell she hasn't missed that plane.我非常希望她没误了那班飞机。I realized I might be pregnant when I missed my period.月经没有按期来,我意识到我可能怀孕了。The accused man narrowly missed a prison sentence.那个受指控的男子险些遭受牢狱之灾。Blanche swung at her but she moved her head back and Blanche missed.布兰奇挥手朝她打去,但她头向后一闪,布兰奇没有打到。




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