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The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nationalism and militarism.这个国家陷入了民族主义和军国主义并存的危险境地。Many people were critical of the resurgent militarism in the country.很多人对该国军国主义再度兴风作浪持批判态度。German militarism was even then evident, a portent of the great conflict to come.德国的穷兵黩武政策甚至在当时就已经昭然若揭,预示着即将爆发大规模冲突。The administration has been criticized for the militarism of its foreign policy.政府因对外政策中奉行军国主义而遭到批评。The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nationalism and militarism.这个国家陷进了一种民族主义和军国主义并存的危险境地。Internationally Reagan attracted odium for his militarism.里根因为穷兵黩武招致国际反感。 |