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There were several arrests for disorderly behaviour, but for the most part the much-predicted violence did not materialize.一些人因破坏治安遭逮捕,但很多人预料发生的暴力事件基本上没有发生。The rise in share prices failed to materialize.股价上涨没有发生。After hours of discussion, the project finally began to materialize.经过数小时的讨论,项目最终开始成形。The money they promised us has so far failed to materialize.他们答应给我们的钱至今还未兑现。Suddenly a lorry appeared in front of her - it seemed to materialize out of nowhere.一辆卡车突然出现在她面前——好似是从地下冒出来的。A rebellion by radicals failed to materialize.激进分子的叛乱活动未能得逞。We learned we must take threats seriously before they fully materialize.我们认识到我们必须认真对待这些威胁以免其全部成为现实。The promised recovery failed to materialize and unemployment kept on rising.恢复经济的承诺没有兑现,失业率继续上升。She asserted that she had seen the spirit of her dead grandmother materialize before her eyes.她断言曾亲眼看到先祖母显灵。 |