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The marketing campaign was a flop. The product didn't sell.市场宣传彻底失败,产品卖不出去。Company sales improved dramatically following a $2 million marketing campaign.花了二百万美元搞了一个促销活动之后,公司销售额显著提高。I think this marketing campaign has lost its focus.我认为这次销售活动偏离了本来的宗旨。The marketing campaign was an uncoordinated effort by several different departments.促销活动是由几个部门一起搞的,彼此之间没有协调好。We designed an Internet marketing campaign.我们策划了一次因特网营销活动。The marketing team brainstormed for hours in designing the marketing campaign for the new product.行销小组脑力激荡多时,集思广益,设计新产品的行销策略。Their marketing campaign is aimed squarely at adolescents.他们的市场营销活动明确针对青少年。The company is moving into uncharted waters with its Internet marketing campaign.随着互联网营销的开展,这家公司开始步入全新领域。 |