例句 |
The mansion has beautiful marbled columns.这座豪宅有漂亮的大理石圆柱。The original chimneypiece has been marbled in a grey-blue.人们在原有的壁炉台上增添了蓝灰色的大理石花纹。The meat was marbled with fat.这块肉肥瘦相间。The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.教堂内部拥有华丽的黑白大理石花纹装饰。Our meat is darker and marbled, which means it's moister and tastier.我们的肉颜色更深而且肥瘦相间,这就意味着它的水分更足,也更可口。If the meat is marbled with fat it should be tender.如果是五花肉的话,应该比较嫩。 |