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词汇 他本人
例句 Equally remarkable is the transformation he has undergone personally.他本人的变化也同样惊人。The description matches him closely.这个描述对他本人而言很贴切。It was a pleasure to finally meet him in the flesh.很高兴终于见到了他本人He had by his own testimony taken part in the burglary.根据他本人的证言,他参与了这起入室盗窃案。His own experience was different from that of his friends.他本人的经历和他朋友不同。That portrait flatters him. 他的肖像画比他本人好看。There is a popular mythology that he discovered the cause of the disease by himself.有一种普遍的错误观点,认为是他本人发现了那种疾病的起因。It is widely thought that he himself will become chief of state later this year.普遍的看法是他本人将在今年晚些时候成为国家元首。Today, the controversy continues over whether Shakespeare wrote all his plays.今天,关于莎士比亚的戏剧是否都出自他本人之手的争论还在继续。She didn't really like him as a person, but she felt strongly attracted to him.她并不十分喜欢他本人,但是感觉到强烈地被他吸引了。I looked up from my newspaper and there he was, as large as life, Tim Trotter!我看完报纸抬起头来,竟意外地看到了蒂姆‧特罗特,真的是他本人,一点儿没错。I have never seen him in the flesh.我从未见过他本人He looked much shorter in the flesh than on television.他本人比在电视上看上去要矮得多。She pronounced his name so badly he didn't even recognize it.念他的名字时她发音如此不准以至于连他本人都没听出来。That guy looked so much like Elvis, I almost thought he was the real deal. 那小子看起来非常像猫王埃尔维斯,我差点以为就是他本人Moreover, which you will hardly credit, he was not there himself.还有,你不大会相信的,他本人并不在那里。He's nicer in the flesh than in his photographs.他本人比相片上好看。He himself seemed totally unconscious of his failure.他本人似乎对自己的失败全然不知。The President's election defeat was the result of his own miscalculations.总统在大选中失利是由他本人的错误判断造成的。His own father is an hereditary peer.他本人的父亲是一名世袭贵族。He imprinted his own personality on all his works.他的作品都带有他本人的鲜明个性。He himself had joined the others straight from the office.他本人下班后径直加入到了他们的行列。This photo flatters him.这张照片比他本人漂亮。His novel is based on his own personal experiences.他的小说以他本人的亲身经历为素材。As a footnote, I should say that he did not actually visit the place himself.我应当补充,他本人实际上不曾访问过那个地方。I saw him in the flesh just three days ago.我三天前见过他本人The student behaved dishonestly, submitting coursework that was not his own.这个学生不诚实,交上来的课程作业不是他本人做的。Contrary to popular mythology , he did not actually discover the cause of the disease by himself.都说是他本人发现了那种疾病的起因,其实不然。This is a flattering picture of George.乔治的这张照片比他本人好看。After a good meal, he began to thaw out and tell us more about himself.他称心地吃了一餐后变得活跃起来,又告诉了我们一些关于他本人的事。It was the first time she had seen him in person.这是她第一次见到他本人His wife is as stingy as himself.他的妻子和他本人一样吝啬。The movie was adapted by Forsyth from his own bestselling novel.这部电影是由福赛思根据他本人的畅销小说改编的。Michael Jordan was my hero, and meeting him in the flesh was a real thrill.迈克尔·乔丹是我心目中的英雄,见到他本人真让人激动。I could see at a glance that it wasn't his own work.我一眼就能看出这不是他本人的作品。His wife is very active in the church, but he's not religious himself.他的妻子在教会里非常活跃,但他本人并不信教。His own conduct is his condemnation.他本人的行为定了他的罪。He himself was not a keen gardener.他本人不是个很热衷于园艺的人。He may be happy with the flowering of new thinking, but he has yet to contribute much to it himself.他也许会对新思想的盛行感到高兴,但他本人并没有为此作出多大贡献。




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