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例句 He spoke in a confidential tone.他用信任的口吻说话。She tried to struggle but he put his hand over her mouth.她想挣扎,但他用手捂住她的嘴。He brought her to with smelling salts.他用嗅盐使她苏醒过来。He marked his place with a piece of paper.他用一张纸条在阅读中止的地方做了个记号。He spoke in a self-deprecating tone.他用一种自谦的口气说话。He struck the axe against a tree.他用斧子对着树砍下去。He rapped on the window with his stick.他用手杖敲窗户。He continued to speak in the same angry strain.他用同样的愤怒语气继续往下讲。They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon.他们把他带到警察局,把他用致命武器袭击他人的罪行记录在案。He took a simpleminded approach to the problem.他用不明智的方法来解决这个问题。He pointed his remarks with apt illustrations.他用贴切的例子来强调说明自己的话。He looked at me with a very peculiar expression.他用一种奇特的眼神看著我。He scanned the field with binoculars.他用双筒望远镜仔细观察了这片土地。He shinned the ball into the net.他用小腿将球踢入网内。His hand smacked down hard on his desktop.他用手啪地猛拍一下桌面。He smoked the bees out of their nest.他用烟把蜜蜂熏出蜂窝。He elbowed people aside as he moved through the crowd.他用胳膊肘把人推开,穿过人群。He used a knife to pick the lock on the front door.他用一把小刀撬开了前门的锁。He used a simple formula to guesstimate the amount of material he would need for the job.他用一个简单的公式大致估算了他工作所需的材料用量。He put her on speakerphone so that everyone could hear what she said.他用免提和她通话,以便每个人都能听到她说什么。He wrote under the name of Gadlfly.他用牛虻的名字写作。 He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water.他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。In restrained wording, he has made his points.他用颇有节制的措辞说明了自己的观点。He had three years in which to establish himself as Prime Minister.他用了三年时间确立自己首相的地位。He covered the body with a cloth.他用一块布盖住那具尸体。He attacked the guard with a knife.他用一把匕首攻击卫兵。He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick.他用手杖对狗狠狠一击。He's holding my past record over me.他用我的过去来威胁我。He spoke quietly, in halting English.他用结结巴巴的英语小声说。He sang popular songs for us in his deep bass voice.他用深沉的低音给我们唱流行歌曲。He stuck the ear back on with superglue.他用强力黏合剂把这只耳朵重新粘上。He brought a pinch of salt in a twist of newspaper.他用报纸卷成纸包带来一撮盐。He wonders why his most popular songs are always the ones he spends the least time on.他想知道为什么他最流行的歌曲总是那些他用最少时间完成的歌曲。He held me at bay with a long knife.他用一把长刀阻止我接近。He juiced a few oranges for his breakfast.他用了几只橙子榨汁作早餐饮料。He used a tape recorder for dictation.他用录音机记录口述。He stabbed the piece of meat with a fork. = He stabbed the fork into the piece of meat.他用叉子叉住了一块肉。He is said to have stifled his victim with a pillow.据说他用枕头闷死了受害人。He passed his hand over his hair.他用手捋了一下头发。He snapped the tree's thick root with a wrench of the shovel.他用铁锹猛地一扭,折断了这棵树粗壮的树根。




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