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A complete tenement block was burnt to the ground.整幢公寓大楼被付之一炬。They smashed a side door to get in and then torched the warehouse when they had taken what they wanted.他们从侧门破门而入,在拿走了他们所要的东西后将仓库付之一炬。The looted monastery was put to the torch.遭劫的修道院被付之一炬。Half the city was destroyed by a disastrous fire.在一场灾难性的大火中,半个城市付之一炬。The Vikings attacked villages along the coast and set them on fire.北欧海盗袭击了沿海的村庄后将其付之一炬。The whole city was consumed by fire.整座城市付之一炬。Priceless antique furniture was destroyed in the fire at the stately home.那座富丽堂皇的宅子里价值连城的古董家具在大火中付之一炬了。He consigned the papers to the flames.他将文件付之一炬。Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes.福特郑重声明他宁可把自己的工厂付之一炬,也不愿意生产一辆用于战争的车辆。The barn went up in smoke.谷仓被付之一炬。Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke.成百上千的珍贵书籍付之一炬。Vandals broke into the factory and set fire to a cabin.破坏分子闯入工厂将小木屋付之一炬。 |