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词汇 他家
例句 Sammy needed to recover a little before they could move him to a hospital nearer his home.萨米需要稍稍康复才可以被转到离他家更近的医院。I called him at home, but there was no reply.我往他家打电话,但没人接听。A vacant plot of land adjoins his house.一块空地紧挨着他家I next saw him at his house.我在他家中再次见到了他。A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the Revolution.他家附近的一个居民燃放了烟花庆祝革命胜利。John was irritated by drivers parking near his house and causing an obstruction.约翰对那些在他家附近泊车堵住通道的司机感到恼火。A good Samaritan offered us a room in his house.一个好心人让我们住在他家的一间房里。An exhibition of his life's work is being shown in the garden of his home.他平生的得意之作现正在他家的花园里展出。His family was quite affluent.他家很富有。I was surprised by the rich furnishing of his place.他家的奢华装修让我惊诧不已。Men armed with knives and clubs attacked his home.一群手持刀具和棍棒的人袭击了他家His land goes almost to the river.他家的地几乎延伸至河边。His house is down the street a little further.这条街往里走一点就是他家Let's go back to his after the show.演出结束后我们回他家去吧。His family had always worked the land.他家过去一直务农。They often got together with other parents in the local neighbourhood.他们经常与当地邻里的其他家长聚会。The police are staking out his home in case he returns.警方监视着他家,以防他回来。I pass his house on my way to school.我上学路上经过他家If he asks you to his house you must ask him back.如果他请你去他家,你必须回请他。He said I could stay at his house any time, so I took him at his word.他说我在他家待多久都可以,我相信他的话。He gave me directions to his house, but I found them utterly bewildering.他告诉我到他家怎么走,但我发现他指的路让人完全摸不着头脑。I called at his house to inquire after his health.我到他家去向他问候。I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.假如你能设法弄到一张去他家的请柬,我会非常嫉妒的。The police wiretapped his house.警方搭线窃听他家中的电话。We might as well pay them a visit while we're in the neighborhood.他家附近时,我们不妨去拜访一下他们。He put in a request to serve his time in a prison nearer to his family home.他请求在离他家更近的监狱服刑。He was a great embarrassment to his family.他是他家的一大累赘。That gold watch has been handed down in his family.那块金表是他家祖传的。I might phone him up at home.我可能会打电话到他家His house is down the street a little. = It's a little down the street.他家就在这条街往里一点。His home was Spartan but not uncomfortable.他家陈设虽简朴却很舒适。All the menfolk in his family are little, thin people.他家中所有的男人都又矮又瘦。The lazy man was a parasite on his family.那懒汉是他家的一个寄生虫。Graffiti was scrawled over the walls of his house.他家的墙上到处都是涂鸦。The thieves had obviously been watching his house and knew when he was likely to be out.窃贼显然在监视他家,知道他什么时候可能外出。What he had done brought dishonor to the family.他的所作所为败坏了他家的声誉。I called his cellphone and then his home phone.我打了他的手机,然后又给他家打电话。His family immigrated from the Pacific Rim.他家是从太平洋周边国家移民过来的。His family, if anything, was poorer than mine.如果有区别的话,他家比我家更穷。His home is two terraced houses knocked together, each the mirror image of the other.他家的房子是两栋相接的连排房子,两座房子完全对称。




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