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词汇 made from
例句 The canoe is made from an impermeable wood.独木舟是用防水木头制成。Wholemeal bread is made from unrefined flour.全麦面包是由粗面制成的。Tools of this kind are made from steel.这类工具是钢制的。The desk is made from pine.这张桌子是用松木做的。Looking at the finished product, you wouldn't know it was made from paper.看看这制成品,你看不出是纸做的。The rafters are made from ash.椽子是用梣木做的。The solution was made from equal proportions of water and bleach.这种溶液是由等比例的水和漂白粉混制而成的。The product is made from a single layer of plastic.该产品用单层塑料制成。The costume is made from scratchy material.这套服装的布料使人皮肤发痒。The blades, made from lightweight carbon fibre, store kinetic energy in a similar fashion to a spring and allow the athlete to run and jump.小腿假肢由轻便的碳纤维制成,以跟弹簧类似的方式储存运动能量,使运动员能够奔跑跳跃。Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.槭糖浆是由甜槭树提取液制成的。The paper is made from both cotton and wood fiber.这种纸由棉、木两种纤维制成。She wore a hand-crafted brooch made from silver.她佩戴着一枚手工银胸针。Brass is a metal made from copper and zinc.黄铜是铜和锌的合金。The perfume was made from violet and lavender.这香水是由紫萝兰和干薰衣草的花制成的。It's made from a special fabric that doesn't leave any wrinkles after you wash it.这是用特殊面料做的,洗后不会起皱。The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant.这一新的代用甜味剂是用一种野生植物制成的。Meringues are made from sugar and egg whites.蛋白酥是用糖和蛋白调制成的。The curtains were made from fine lace of great delicacy.这些窗帘是用非常精美的高档蕾丝做成的。This quilt was lovingly made from scraps of material.这条被子是深情地用零碎布料做成的。When they realized there was money to be made from games such as snooker, sportswear advertisers soon jumped on the bandwagon.意识到能从斯诺克等比赛中获利,运动服广告商很快一窝蜂随起大流来。The tent is made from a lightweight canvas.这顶帐篷是用轻质帆布制作的。Boots made from synthetic materials can usually be washed in a machine.合成材料制成的靴子通常可以机洗。The tool is made from a very tough and resilient steel.该工具是用一种坚硬且弹性好的钢材制成的。The handle of the knife is made from bone.那把刀的刀柄是骨质的。The mask was made from a plaster cast of his face.这个面具是按照他的脸的石膏模型制作成的。I'm allowed to eat ersatz chocolate made from carob beans, but it's a poor substitute for the real thing.他们允许我吃用角豆做的巧克力替代品,不过这种以假代真的东西太蹩脚了。An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original.仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。The aluminum parts are much lighter than those made from steel. 铝制零件比钢制零件轻得多。The sailors wore jackets made from tough waterproof cotton.水手们穿着用牢固的防水棉布做的衣服。The toys are made from very durable plastic.这些玩具是由非常耐用的塑料制作的。On display are necklaces and bracelets made from amber.展品中有用琥珀做的项链和手镯。The money he made from these extracurricular activities enabled him to pursue other ventures.他从这些额外工作中赚取的钱使他可以从事其他事业。He said the accusation had been made from hatred and ill will.他说指控是出于仇恨和敌意。People were living in huts made from mud, stones, and straw.人们以前住在用泥土、石块和稻草砌成的棚屋里。English wine is made from grapes and vinified in traditional fashion.英国酒是用葡萄为原料以传统酿造法制成的。As this infographic shows, more money is made from selling apps than from selling smartphones.按这张图表所示,卖手机应用比卖手机更赚钱。Sugars are made from molasses.糖都是由糖蜜做成的。It's the thing this year to buy products made from recycled materials.今年流行的是购买用回收再利用的材料制成的商品。This paper is made from inexpensive wood pulp.这种纸是用廉价木纸浆制成的。




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