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例句 Police suspect that the crime was a gang initiation rite. 警方怀疑此次犯罪是一个帮派入会仪式。The Red Sox won the series in a clean sweep.红袜队在此次联赛中大获全胜。He fired the opening salvo of the debate.他打响了此次辩论的第一炮。I nominate John to represent us at the meeting.我提议约翰代表我们去参加此次会议。The strike was called in protest at the government's lack of consultation with the unions.此次罢工是为抗议政府缺乏与工会的磋商而发动的。The rain has caused many floods.此次降雨引发多处洪灾。The trip allows you plenty of time for browsing around the shops.此次旅行留给你足够的时间逛商店。One of the pilots made an error during the dry run of the mission.此次任务的演习过程中,有一位飞行员犯了个错。The proceeds from the sale go to help needy people in the area.此次义卖的收入用来帮助该地区的穷人。The conference featured a keynote address by one of our most eminent scientists.此次会议的亮点是我们最尊崇的科学家中的一位进行了主题演讲。The marketing study dealt mainly with an adolescent peer group.此次营销研究的主要对象是同一个年龄段的青少年群体。He gave us a blow-by-blow account/description of the meeting.他给我们描述了此次会面的详情。Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure?此次罗马之行是出差还是去游玩?The big question is, will he be number one in the football draft?大家关心的问题是,他会在此次橄榄球选拔中排名第一吗?The object of the search was to find a small plane that has been missing for two days.此次搜寻的目的是找一架已失踪两天的小型飞机。The venture proved a costly failure.此次投机最终失败,且代价巨大。The advertisements were designed to shock - that was the whole point of the campaign.这些广告为的就是惊世骇俗——这就是此次活动的全部意义。Political leaders have roundly condemned the shooting.政治领袖强烈谴责了此次枪杀事件。He claimed that the accident caused his injury, but the court ruled that he did not provide sufficient evidence of causation.他声称此次事故导致他受伤,但法院裁定他没有提供充分证据来证明其中的因果关系。The crossing took ten days, cruising at a steady pace.此次横渡花了十天时间,航速稳定。The favourite for the race actually came last.此次赛跑的夺冠热门实际上得了最后一名。The argument marked the beginning of the end of their marriage. 此次争吵是他们婚姻破裂的开始。Although they lost, the minority claimed the vote as a moral victory since they had won the support of so many former opponents.少数派尽管失败了,但他们宣称此次选举是一场精神胜利,因为他们赢得了许多曾经的反对者的支持。The UN has decided to wind down the peacekeeping mission.联合国决定逐渐结束此次维和行动。The aim of the cruise was to awaken an interest in and an understanding of foreign cultures.此次海上航游旨在唤起我们对外国文化的兴趣和理解。The dual events had the Nixon White House in a dither.此次双重事件使尼克松政府陷入慌乱中。Even if the government survives this crisis, they still face enormous problems.政府即使渡过此次危机,也仍将面临巨大的问题。We have been delighted with the interest in the tender process, both from New Zealand and offshore parties.对于新西兰国内和境外各方对此次招标表现出的兴趣,我们感到非常高兴。She will end the convention with her speech. 她将以演讲结束此次大会。It looks like it's curtains for the mayor after this election. 经过此次选举,市长的仕途看来走到尽头了。The defeat ends any lingering hopes she might have had of winning the championship.此次失利令她孜孜以求的冠军梦想彻底破灭了。We were vexed by the delay.我们对此次延误感到很恼火。I don't want to drag this meeting out too long, so could we run through the main points quickly?此次会议我不想拖延太久,所以咱们赶快把主要议题都过一遍好吗?We've had to lower our expectations for the festival. 我们不得不降低对此次节日庆典的期望。The court has issued/granted an injunction against the strike.法院已经发布了此次罢工的禁制令。The conference has produced a political climate that is favourable to a peace settlement.此次会议创造了一个有利于和平解决问题的政治环境。He is a member of one of the extremist groups that may have had a hand in the murder.他是某个极端主义分子组织的成员,该组织可能参与了此次谋杀行动。My coworker gives/sends her regrets for not being able to attend the meeting.我的同事对未能出席此次会议深表歉意。Outside observers said the election was free and fair.外面的观察家说此次大选自由而公正。UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员在监督此次停火。




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