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词汇 life savings
例句 He threw away his life savings.他挥霍了一生的积蓄。He had invested his life savings in the new business.他把毕生的积蓄都投资到这家新的企业中去。One bad investment could wipe out your life savings.一次投资失误就有可能葬送你毕生的积蓄。A pair of con men have been tricking older people in the community out of their life savings.两个骗子在社区内诈骗老年人一生的积蓄。The company scammed hundreds of people out of their life savings.这家公司诈骗了数百人毕生的积蓄。His parents lost their life savings when the stock market crashed.那时股市崩盘,他父母一生的积蓄都付诸东流了。We completely depleted our life savings when we bought our new house.我们买完新房后一生的积蓄就全用光了。They robbed her of her life savings.他们盗走了她一生的积蓄。He and his wife July sank their life savings into an unsuccessful attempt to build a marina on a reservoir in Colorado.他和妻子朱莉把毕生的储蓄投资于在科罗拉多河的一座水库上造个小码头的计划,结果投资失败了。They put their entire life savings into the company.他们把毕生的积蓄都投入到那家公司。He saw his life savings go up in smoke when the stock market crashed.股市崩盘后,他眼看毕生积蓄化为乌有。My parents spent their life savings on a retirement home in Florida.我父母把他们毕生的积蓄都花在佛罗里达的一家养老院里。They did her out of her life savings.他们骗取了她的生活储蓄金。Hundreds of people got sucked into the scheme and many lost their entire life savings.数百人被卷入这场阴谋,许多人一生的积蓄化为乌有。The couple lost their entire life savings on the venture.这对夫妇在那个经营项目上损失了一生的积蓄。She swindles him out of his life savings.她骗取了他一生的积蓄。She was conned out of her life savings.她终生的积蓄都被骗光了。The film company collapsed, leaving Chris jobless and minus his life savings.电影公司垮了,克里斯没了工作,也失去了他一生的积蓄。Megan was tricked out of her life savings by a smooth-talking handsome man who had promised to marry her.梅甘被一名巧舌如簧、答应要娶她的英俊男子骗走了毕生积蓄。The old lady was conned out of her life savings by a crooked insurance dealer.这个老太太的毕生积蓄被一个奸诈的保险商骗走了。




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