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词汇 我不相信
例句 I can't believe my best friend would sell me down the river.我不相信我最好的朋友竟会出卖我。I don't believe the truth of that story.我不相信那个故事是真的。I don't believe the myths and legends about/surrounding this forest.我不相信关于这片森林的那些传说和神话。I don't believe in these diets.我不相信这些节食方法。I did not believe his story, but neither did I believe hers.我不相信他说的话,但我也不信她的。I can't believe the way he talks. That guy is too much.我不相信他竟然这样说话,那家伙太过分了。I don't believe in magic.我不相信什么魔法。I wouldn't trust her. She's always been a poor judge of character.我不相信她。她向来不善于鉴别人的性格。He says he'll help us, but I don't believe him.他说他会帮我们,但我不相信他的话。I doubt they'd give one of those jobs to the likes of us.我不相信他们会把那其中的一份工作给我们这样的人。I don't trust that lying no-good brother of hers.我不相信她那个撒谎的、没用的哥哥。I misdoubt that he is very ill.我不相信他病得很厉害。I can't believe you're not on the telephone.我不相信你连电话都没装。I'm not convinced that the salesman dealt with us honestly.我不相信那个销售员对我们是老实的。I mistrust your promises.我不相信你的承诺。I don't believe that he intentionally killed her.我不相信他故意杀害了她。It was foolish pride that prevented me from believing her.是愚蠢的自尊使我不相信她的。I don't believe in historical determinism.我不相信历史决定论。I didn't believe the story and neither did he.我不相信这个故事,他也不信。I didn't believe her avowal of innocence.她公开说自己是无辜的,可我不相信Little Tommy hates baths.I can't believe he would like one on his own.小汤米讨厌洗澡,我不相信他会主动去洗澡。I don't believe Liz had an affair with him. That's just malicious gossip.我不相信莉兹和他有染。那只是恶毒的闲言碎语。I don't believe the legends I've heard about this forest.我听说过关于这个森林的种种传说,但我不相信I don't believe all the hype about how good the French team will be this season.那些吹嘘法国队在本赛季将会如何出色的宣传,我不相信I can't believe that those two murders are unconnected.我不相信那两桩谋杀案之间毫无关联。I don't believe in the myth of love at the first sight.我不相信一见钟情的说法。I'm not convinced of the urgency of the problem. 我不相信这事有那么急迫。I don't believe you!我不相信你!I stared in disbelief at the dial on the weighing machine.看到称上显示的数字,我不相信地瞪大了眼睛。I didn't believe in any of the characters in the book - they were somehow two-dimensional.我不相信书中的任何人物——他们被刻画得都有点肤浅。I don't trust her. I think she has a deceitful smile.我不相信她,我觉得她笑得不老实。I don't accept his portrayal of himself as an innocent victim. 我不相信他像自己说的那样,是个无辜的受害者。I don't believe in love at first sight.我不相信一见钟情。I couldn't believe it was true, but there it was, in black and white.我不相信那是真的,但情况就是这样,白纸黑字写得清清楚楚。At first I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a wind-up by one of my mates.一开始我不相信,以为是哪个伙伴在故意逗我。I don't accept that the firm will go bankrupt.我不相信公司会破产。I am not persuaded of the validity of the argument.我不相信这个论点站得住脚。I don't trust those smooth salesmen.我不相信那些油嘴滑舌的推销员。I don't believe in all that twaddle about fate.我不相信那些关于命运的蠢话。I don't believe you.我不相信你。




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