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词汇 我不要
例句 I nearly cancelled the wedding, but my best friend talked me out of it.我几乎就要取消婚礼了,但是我最要好的朋友说服我不要那么做。He advised me against travelling.他建议我不要去旅行。My parents tried to persuade me not to go alone, but I sat tight.我的父母试图说服我不要单独前往,但我执意如此。I received anonymous phone calls warning me not to go to the police about what I'd seen.我接到一个匿名电话,警告我不要向警方报告我所看见的情况。My mother constantly warned me not to go into teaching.妈妈不断地告诫我不要去当老师。What I don't need is somebody with an attitude problem.我不要态度有问题的人。My parents told me to stay away from her.我父母让我不要接近她。Mother had drilled it into me not to talk to strangers.妈妈讲了一遍又一遍,叫我不要和陌生人说话。I don't want anything else.我不要其他任何东西。All my instincts were against accepting her offer.我所有的本能反应都告诉我不要接受她的提议。Experience told me not to believe him.经验告诉我不要相信他。My mother always warned me not to talk to strangers.我母亲总是告诫我不要和陌生人讲话。I don't want your money-I have my pride, you know!我不要你的钱,你要知道,我也有自尊!They advised me against visiting the troubled south of the country.他们建议我不要前往该国动乱的南方地区。My mother told me not to trust Robert.我妈妈叫我不要相信罗伯特。I don't want any excuses, complaints, or back talk.我不要任何借口、抱怨,也不要顶嘴。The only way I can make her help me is to pretend I don't want her help. It never fails.让她来帮我忙的唯一办法是装出我不要她帮忙。这一招百试不爽。My mother admonished me against arrogance.我的母亲告诫我不要骄傲。I was advised on every side not to quarrel with my boss.各方面的人都劝我不要和老板争吵。He bade me hold my tongue.他吩咐我不要吭声。The apple pie is delicious, but I won't have another slice - I couldn't eat another thing.苹果馅饼很好吃,可我不要了一我再也吃不下了。The sales assistant looked me up and down and told me not to try the dress on because she didn't think I would get into it.那个女店员对我上下打量了一番后,叫我不要试穿那条裙子,因为她认为我穿不上。He advised me not to go there.他劝我不要去那里。That experience taught me never to follow the crowd blindly.那次经历教会我不要盲目随大流。I don't want any unwilling worker.我不要勉强干活的人。I don't need any more cake, thank you. One piece will do. 我不要蛋糕了,谢谢。一块就够了。I don't want you to pity me - I just want you to help me.我不要你同情我—我只需要你帮助我。Something inside of me told me not to trust him.我的内心深处告诉我不要相信他。I won't have him dictating to me.我不要他对我发号施令。I wouldn't want her to spend another nickel on me.我不要她在我身上再花什么钱。She told me not to phone her anymore.她叫我不要再给她打电话。He motioned to me to be silent.他示意我不要出声。I'm not moving to that place - it's out in the boondocks.我不要搬到那个地方去—太偏僻了。The doctor told me to keep off fatty foods.医生嘱咐我不要吃油腻的食物。I'm not staying as a paid lackey to act as your yes-man.我不要再做拿钱任你使唤的应声虫。My PT told me not to overdo it.我的理疗师让我不要治疗过度。Mrs. Blount warned me not to interfere.布朗特夫人警告我不要插手。I know you asked me not to tell him, but it just slipped out.我知道你叫我不要告诉他,但我只是无意中说漏了嘴。Can I have soup instead of salad?我不要沙拉而要汤行吗?I don't want a relationship that ties me down.我不要那种会限制我自由的关系。




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