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词汇 我不知道
例句 I don't know what I was thinking at the time. I was really mixed up.我不知道自己当时在想什么。我真的懵了。Goodness knows, I've never liked the woman, but I didn't know how bad it would be to work with her.老天作证,我从来就不喜欢这女人,可是我不知道和她一起工作会这么糟糕。I don't know how much longer our supply of food will hold out. 我不知道我们的食物供应还能维持多久。I don't know how you can work in that office – it's like a three-ring circus.我不知道你怎么能够在那样的办公室里工作 — 那里就像一个闹哄哄的大马戏团。I knew I wouldn't get my exam results for several weeks, and I wasn't sure what to do in the meanwhile.我知道我要数周以后才能拿到考试成绩,我不知道这期间该做什么。I don't know how she's stuck that job this long.我不知道她是怎么坚持那么久做那份工作的。I don't know where all the money goes!我不知道钱都花在哪儿了!I don't know how they manage without him.我不知道要是没有他,他们怎样对付。I don't know when the decision was made.我不知道决定是什么时候作出的。My sense of time was mixed up, I didn't know how long I'd been out of the house.我的时间感搞乱了。我不知道自己在屋外待了多长时间。I didn't know that Jack ever used his old crock of a bike.我不知道杰克竟用过他那辆破旧自行车。I dinnae ken what he wants.我不知道他想要什么。We'd better go to the party, but I doubt if it'll be very exciting.我们最好还是去参加聚会,可我不知道聚会会不会很有趣。I wonder what's happened to Dave. He should have been here by now.我不知道戴夫碰到什么事了,他现在本应该到这儿了。Honest, Kate, I don't know what you're on about.说真的,凯特,我不知道你在说些什么。I don't know how I'm going to face her after what happened.发生了这一切,我不知道如何面对她。I don't know why I'm eating more - it's not hunger, it's just greed!我不知道自己为什么还想吃——不是因为觉得饿,只是贪嘴!I don't know what motivates people to commit such crimes.我不知道人们犯这种罪的动机是什么。I have no idea what to do.我不知道该怎么办。I don't know why he did that, but I'm sure he had his reasons.我不知道他为什么那么做,但我相信他一定有他的理由。I don't know about you, but I'm starving.我不知道你怎么样,反正我是饿坏了。I don't know how to get out of the predicament I'm in.我不知道如何才能摆脱现在所处的困境。I don't know if the roof can hold all that snow.我不知道屋顶能否承受住那么多积雪。I never can make that chap out, or tell whether he is in earnest or only chaffing.那家伙真叫我捉摸不透,他那些话,我不知道是当真的,还是不过跟我闹着玩的。I have no idea how he's supporting himself.我不知道他是怎么养活自己的。I don't know what's the matter with it, but I can't get it to work.我不知道它哪里出了问题,但我就是无法让它正常运转。I don't know who the big ape is.我不知道这傻大个儿是谁。I have no idea how he got into Iraq.我不知道他是怎样进入伊拉克的。I wasn't sure how to read his silence.我不知道该如何解读他的沉默。Short of winning the lottery, I don't know how we'll pay for this.我不知道我们怎样才能买下这个,除非能中彩票。There are cats in every room. I don't know how she can stand it.每个房间都有猫,我不知道她怎么受得了。I don't know. I wasn't in on that particular argument.我不知道。我没有参与那一争论。I don't know what makes Jamie so attractive to women.我不知道是什么使杰米对女人这么有吸引力。I wonder what she photographs like.我不知道她在照片上是什么模样。I don't know how good the service is at the new restaurant.我不知道新餐馆的服务好不好。There was nothing I could say so I just held her tight and let her cry.我不知道可以说什么,只有紧紧地抱着她让她哭。I don't know where she is. Try calling her on her cell phone.我不知道她在哪里,打她的手机试试看。I had no idea what life with a baby would be like.我不知道有孩子后生活会是什么样子。I wonder if I should have prettied things up with a candle.我不知道是不是该用蜡烛装点一下。Sorry, I didn't realize you had visitors.对不起,我不知道你有客人。




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