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The company was growing at a giddy pace.公司正以惊人的速度成长。When I was growing up, I had a nanny.在我成长的过程中,家里请了一位保姆。He grew up in a structured kind of life.他在一种井井有条的生活环境中成长。During childhood each of us has to navigate a pathway through a series of developmental stages.我们每个人在童年时都要经历和应对不同的成长阶段。Older people will have grown up in a time of greater sexual prudishness.年纪稍大的人是在一个性观念更为保守的时代中成长起来的。Different teachers make different contributions to a student's growth.不同的教师在学生的成长过程中起到不同的作用。She grew up in the seventies. 她成长在二十世纪七十年代。She let her children grow up uncorrected.她对孩子们的成长不加管教。Parents are responsible for providing the right environment for their children to grow and learn in.父母有责任为他们的孩子提供良好的成长和学习环境。She changed from an aimless, pregnant teenager into a purposeful young woman.她从一个毫无目标而且怀孕的青少年成长为有抱负的年轻女子。A depressed mother is terribly bad for the baby's welfare.母亲患有抑郁症对婴儿的成长非常不利。She's grown tremendously as a musician.她作为一名音乐人有了极大的成长。I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.我想知道究竟是什么样的成长经历造成她如此不自信。I want the children to understand sex and grow up without any hang-ups.我希望孩子们了解性,让他们在成长过程中不会有任何困扰。His Catholic upbringing informs all his writing.他的天主教成长背景在他所有的作品中都有所体现。It's normal for brothers and sisters to have a few scraps. It's part of growing up.兄弟姐妹之间打打架是正常的事,这是成长的一部分。The book is all about the trials of growing up.这本书讲的全是成长过程中经历的种种烦恼。The essays explore Einstein's personal development.这些文章探究了爱因斯坦成长的经历。Children who are offered little affection develop slowly.很少得到爱的儿童成长得慢。The two main influences in a child's development are the family and the school.儿童成长过程中两个主要的影响因素是家庭和学校。He's still just a growing boy.他还是个正在成长的孩子。Children need to be raised in a stable environment.孩子们需要在稳定的环境中成长。I am all at sea in the adolescent stage of my life.刚刚成长起来的我陷入了迷茫之中。Rock music was a staple when I was growing up.在我成长的过程中,摇滚乐常常陪伴着我。Children become aware of rules during this stage of development.儿童在这个成长阶段开始意识到规矩了。Hugh's interest in languages sprang from his upbringing in Spain.休对语言的兴趣源自于他在西班牙的成长经历。He will shape up into an excellent footballer.他将成长为出色的足球运动员。The TV series examines childhood from the viewpoints of twelve different families.这部电视剧从十二个不同家庭的角度来探讨儿童成长。Experts predict that economic growth will decelerate.专家预测经济的成长会减缓。I grew up on a staple diet of cartoons and comic books.在我成长的过程中,动画片和连环画杂志是我主要的精神食粮。Magnesium is the nutrient element in plant growth.镁是植物成长所需的营养要素。The story is told from the viewpoint of someone who grew up during the Great Depression.故事是从一个成长于大萧条时期的人的视角讲述的。He rose through the ranks to become a general.他从普通士兵成长为一名将军。I didn't want my child to grow up in the knowledge that its father was a mercenary.我不想让孩子在成长过程中知道自己父亲曾是一名雇佣兵。Lack of proper food often stunts a child.缺少适当的食物常常阻碍小孩的发育成长。I was brought up a nominal Christian.我成长为名不副实的基督徒。Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg.从精子和卵子结合的那一刻起,基因就决定了我们会如何成长。In Denmark, regular health visiting promotes wellness by developing healthier children.在丹麦,定期的健康随访使儿童更加健康地成长,从而提高了国民的身体素质。We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds.我们研究从种籽和花蕾到花的成长过程。He's making a movie about growing up in a small town.他正在制作一部讲述在小镇成长的电影。 |