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词汇 liberals
例句 The liberals in Congress felt the reforms did not go far enough.国会中的自由派人士觉得改革还不够深入。They describe themselves as liberals.他们自称是自由主义者。The party has attracted a clutch of young southern liberals.聚会吸引了一群南部的年轻开明人士。Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.有关家庭的公共政策使自由主义者陷入了进退两难的境地。We liberals must hang together.我们这些自由主义者必须团结起来。For the time being, the liberals seem to have carried the day.眼下似乎是自由主义者占据了上风。Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.公务员、教师和自由派人士正在散发请愿书,要求将他召回。There are signs that the prime minister is aligning himself with the liberals.有迹象表明首相正在与自由党人结盟。The liberals were angered by Britain's back-pedalling.自由党人对英国改变立场感到愤怒。The liberals sat on their laurels after their victory.自由党人获胜后满足于现状。The senator's strong nationalistic views are frightening to many liberals.那位参议员强烈的民族主义观点在许多自由派看来很可怕。Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity.西班牙自由主义者寻求语言及行政上的统一。These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free-market liberals.这些价格控制措施与推崇自由市场的自由主义者的经济原则相悖。She thinks we're a bunch of namby-pamby liberals.她很可能认为我们是一帮软弱的自由主义者。These kinds of price controls go against all the financial principles of the free market liberals.这些价格调控措施与信奉自由市场的自由主义者所倡导的经济原则完全背道而驰。Gandhi won the support of many liberals in England.甘地赢得了英格兰许多开明人士的支持。The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals.政治形势转而对自由主义者有利。He said that they were just a bunch of knee-jerk liberals.他说他们只是一群冲动的自由主义者。The war broke the broad consensus of liberals.战争打破了自由主义者的广泛共识。Many liberals and conservatives may abstain from voting.有很多自由党和保守党党员可能会投弃权票。The Communists and the Fascists got into bed with each other to keep the liberals out of power.这两家公司私下里联手制定了一个双赢的方案。




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