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词汇 colors
例句 What lively colors!多么鲜艳的色彩! The painting is done in bold colors.这幅画色彩明快。His hair was dyed in at least three different colors.他的头发至少染了三种不同的颜色。He seemed nice at first, but he showed his true colors during the crisis.他开始给人的印象很友好,但在危机时就露出了真面目。She was trying to tone down the colors of the picture.她正设法使画面的色调柔和一些。Sunset at autumn is often a palette of colors. Too beautiful to pass unnoticed.秋天的日落时分经常是色彩缤纷。美到不容忽视。They rejected the sexual stereotype of blue for a boy and pink for a girl, and dressed their baby in other colors instead.他们摒弃了男孩穿蓝色、女孩穿粉红色的性别旧框框,给他们的宝宝穿了其他颜色的衣服。Today's American youth is a mosaic of many colors, ages and attitudes.当代的美国青年是由肤色、年龄、处世态度各异的青年拼凑而成的一代。So far McAllister seemed to have passed all the tests with flying colors.到目前为止,麦卡利斯特似乎所有的考试都考得非常好。The dishes are available in a wide assortment of colors. 这些盘子有各种各样的颜色。Other species can perceive colours / colors of the spectrum that are invisible to us.其他物种能够感知光谱中我们看不到的颜色。The pillows are all different colors.这些枕头颜色各异。Ted was very particular about the colors he used.特德在用色上非常讲究。The reef fishes display an almost endless variety of colors and patterns.珊瑚鱼几乎有各种各样的颜色和花纹。The artist muted the colors.那画家把色彩抹得柔和些。They dress in quiet colors so as not to call attention to themselves.为了避免别人注目,他们穿得很朴素。The ship sails under Panamanian colors.该船航行时悬挂巴拿马国旗。The colors look washed-out in these old photographs.这些老照片看上去褪色了。I prefer solid colors like blue or green instead of plaids and stripes.与彩格和条纹相比,我更喜欢纯蓝色或纯绿色。The loud colors in this room need to be muted.这个房间里花哨的颜色需要调和一下。Choose bright colors, but make sure they don't clash.选用鲜亮的颜色,但是要确保颜色之间要协调。The car is available in an array of colors. 这款车有好多种颜色可选。Blue and green are cool colors, but red and orange are warm colors.蓝和绿都是冷色,而红和橙都是暖色。She likes crazy hair colors, like pink and blue.她喜欢奇异的发色,比如粉红色和蓝色。The colors of your coat, hat and muffler should harmonize.你外套、帽子和围巾的色彩应该协调。They came through the ordeal with flying colors.他们成功地通过了严酷的考验。The room was decorated with restrained colors.这个房间是用淡雅的颜色装饰的。The two colors jar.这两种颜色不协调。With your hair and your beautiful skin, you'd look good in red and other bright colors.以你的发色和漂亮的肤色,穿红色或者其他亮色的衣服会很好看的。The colors pull the eye toward the center of the painting.各种色彩把人们的目光吸引到画作的中心。The fabric comes in different colors and patterns.布料有不同的颜色和图案。Bright colors really cheer up a room.亮丽的色彩的确使满室生辉。I decorated my apartment in dark colors.我用深色调涂料粉刷了我的公寓。The colors are too bright for my liking. 这些颜色太亮,我不喜欢。We feasted our eyes on the colors of the autumn landscape.我们饱览了色彩斑斓的秋景。This photograph of the painting reproduces the colors of the original extremely well.这张画的照片把原作的色彩印得十分清晰。The apartment had been furnished in rich, deep colors and gorgeous fabrics.这套公寓以富丽的深色和精美的布料布置。Rather than fading, the colors deepened in tone.这些颜色非但没有褪去,而且色调还加深了。Look at the dazzling play of colors in this diamond.瞧这钻石缤纷闪耀的色彩。Water colors are well loved worldwide.水彩画受到全世界人民的喜爱。




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