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词汇 colored
例句 Sometimes the people doing this dance hold brightly colored scarves.有时跳这种舞的人会手拿色彩鲜艳的丝巾。They always take a rose-colored view of the problem.他们看问题总是过于乐观Joggers should wear light-colored clothes to increase their visibility. 慢跑健身者应该穿浅色衣服以增强自己的可见度。She wore a cream-colored dress.她穿著奶白色衣服。Tom colored the picture red.汤姆将画涂成红色。Troop positions were marked with colored pins.军队阵地用彩色别针标出。The sheets are cream-colored.这些床单是米色的。She colored at the mention of his name.一提及他的名字她就脸红。High and low temperatures are represented by colored lines on the graph.高温和低温由图表上的彩色线条表示。The colored lights in the distance grew in brightness as I got closer.当我走近时,远处的彩色灯光变得更亮了。The beverage is often colored with caramel.这种饮料常用焦糖染色。His feelings about divorce are colored by his own experience as a child.他对离婚的看法受到他儿时经历的影响。Brightly colored flags hang down from the ceiling.色彩鲜艳的旗子挂在天花板上。Her judgment was colored by reports of the student's behavioral problems.她的判断受到学生行为问题报告的影响。The child colored the sky blue and the sun yellow.这孩子把天空涂成了蓝色,把太阳涂成了黄色。The temple was decorated with brightly painted figures and bits of colored glass.那座庙的墙上装饰着色彩鲜艳的人像和彩色玻璃片。A brightly colored scarf can add zing to any basic black outfit.一条颜色鲜艳的围巾可以为任何一套以黑色为主的服装增添生趣。She placed the chocolate-colored coat beside the case.她将深棕色大衣放在手提箱旁。He gave a highly colored account of the events.他对这些事件做了极为夸张的描述。A light-colored carpet will show dirt.浅色地毯不经脏。She wore a wide-brimmed straw hat decorated with colored ribbons.她戴了一顶用彩色丝带装饰的宽边草帽。Brightly colored objects pique a baby's interest.颜色鲜艳的东西会引起婴儿的兴趣。We decorated the Christmas tree with colored lights.我们用彩灯装饰圣诞树。We colored the water with red ink.我们用红墨水给水染色。In most birds, the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the female.雄鸟大抵都比雌鸟大,而且羽毛颜色更鲜艳。They drew pictures on the sidewalk with colored chalks.他们用彩色粉笔在人行道上画画。She colored in the picture.她给这幅画上了色。My nephew colored a picture for me.我侄子涂了一张彩图送给我。Foster's early experiences in Hollywood colored his views of the entire film industry.福斯特早期在好莱坞的经历影响了他对整个电影业的看法。The town she grew up in had a colored church and a white church. 在她长大的那个镇子里,有一个黑人教堂和一个白人教堂。Black-and-white shots look best on a colored wall.在彩色墙面上挂黑白照看上去最佳。Prejudice colored his views.偏见影响了他的看法。She was tricked out in a horrible, brightly colored costume.她穿了一身难看的、艳俗的衣服。He looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. 他过于乐观地看世界。




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