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词汇 legends
例句 I don't believe the legends I've heard about this forest.我听说过关于这个森林的种种传说,但我不相信。Local legends told of a family in which the women were all cursed with clairvoyance.当地传说中有一家人,其中的女性成员都能预知未来,深受其苦。The book explodes a number of myths/legends about his youth.本书戳穿了一些关于他青年时代的谣传/传言。The dance was based on several Hindu legends.这个舞蹈是根据几个印度传说创作的。Both men were legends in their own time.他们两个都是各自时代的传奇人物。Unlikely and fantastic legends grew up around a great many figures, both real and fictitious.不可思议的离奇传说围绕着许多人物展开,这些人物或为真实或为虚构。This scholar charted the origins, legends and history of the movement.这位学者详细描述了运动的起源、传说和历史。He grew up reading the tales and legends of heroic deeds.他是读着英雄传说和事迹长大的。Scholars discredited his findings as unsubstantiated in any of the later myths and legends.学者们认为,他的发现未经随后任何神话和传奇的证实,不可信。The legends they weave offer valuable clues.他们编造的那些传说提供了有价值的线索。The concert was a salute to country music legends.这场音乐会是对乡村音乐传奇人物的一种敬意。This country has mothered many legends.这个国家有许多传说。I don't believe the myths and legends about/surrounding this forest.我不相信关于这片森林的那些传说和神话。The film features screen legends James Stewart and Grace Kelly.这部影片由银幕传奇人物詹姆斯・史都华和格蕾丝・凯利主演。Succeeding generations have added to the stock of stories and legends.后辈进一步丰富了这些传奇故事。We must put more money into the sport if we want to create the tennis legends of the future.我们若想造就未来网坛的传奇人物,就必须在这项运动上投入更多资金。Older legends say that Merlin raised the stones by magic.更为古老的传说称墨林使用巫术堆起了那些巨石。The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened.各种传说混淆了历史的真相。




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