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词汇 keep out of
例句 She had to keep out of sight when her husband was holding a meeting.她在丈夫举行会议时只得避不露面。We did our best to keep out of the sun.我们尽量躲着太阳。You must retrench to keep out of debt.你必须节省以免负债。People can keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancer.人们可以通过避免阳光照射来预防皮肤癌。The boss is in an angry mood, so keep out of her way.老板正生气,躲着她。Peaceable people keep out of quarrels.平和的人不吵架。We were told to keep out of his office.我们被告知不得进入他的办公室。People have been warned to keep out of the area to avoid contagion.人们已得到通知不要进入这一区域以避免接触传染。This argument doesn't involve you, so you should just keep out of it.这场争论与你无关,所以你不要插手。While the fight was going on, she tried to keep out of the way.打斗的时候,她尽量避远点。Try to keep out of the sun.尽量避开阳光。I wish that interfering brother of yours would keep out of my affairs.我希望你那个爱管闲事的哥哥别来管我的事。Let's keep out of her way while she's in such a bad mood.她心情不好,我们不要打扰她。You keep out of this. It's none of your concern.不要插手,这不关你的事。You'd better keep out of these things.你最好别卷入这些事。He was trying to keep out of the bird's line of sight.他企图避开小鸟的视线。Make sure the kids keep out of the way while I'm working.要确保我工作时孩子们不来烦扰我。If necessary, the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger.必要时,飞艇能在那里停留数天以躲避危险。How did you manage to keep out of debt?你是怎样设法不欠债的?




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