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词汇 would rather
例句 Most teenagers would rather be out and about with their friends.大多数青少年都更愿和朋友们出去玩儿。I would rather you didn't tell them. 最好别告诉他们。Many people with dementia would rather remain at home than be placed in an institution.许多患有痴呆症的人宁愿留在家里也不愿被送进福利院。She would rather save than spend.她喜欢存钱不喜欢花钱。They would rather take the line of least resistance than become involved in arguments.他们倾向采用阻力最小的方案,不愿卷入纷争。Most criminals would rather go to prison than meet their victims.大多数罪犯宁愿进监狱也不愿见受害者。He would rather be killed in a race than die a lingering death in hospital.他宁肯在比赛中丢了性命也不愿在医院里苟延残喘。I would rather work than go out.我宁愿工作也不愿出门。He would rather shoot himself than compromise his principles.他宁愿一枪打死自己也不愿违背自己的原则。The robber said he would rather die with his boots on.那个盗贼说,他宁愿死于非命。I would rather invest time in Rebecca than in the kitchen.我宁愿把时间花在丽贝卡身上也不愿花在厨房里。She would rather drive than take the train.她宁愿开车去,也不想坐火车。A significant group of young men would rather go to jail than join the army.相当多的年轻人宁愿入狱也不愿参军。The chairman quipped that he would rather sell his airline than his computer systems.主席风趣地说,他宁可卖掉他的航空公司,也不愿出售他的计算机系统。I would rather die than do anything so extreme.我宁死也不做这么极端的事情。Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.大多数男人宁死也不愿承认有依赖感。I would rather stare at a clear, star-filled sky than a TV set.我宁可凝视繁星满天的晴朗夜空也不愿盯着电视机。I would rather freelance from home than work in an office.我宁可在家当自由职业者,也不愿到办公室上班。I would rather join a convent than live with that smell.我宁愿加入修女会也不愿忍受这样臭气熏天的环境。I would rather Lionel took it on.我宁愿莱昂内尔负责这件事。I don't trust her driving and would rather take my own car.我不信任她的驾驶技术,宁愿由我开自己的车。The band would rather sign to an independent than a major record label.这支乐队宁愿跟独立唱片公司签约,而不是跟大公司。I have no information one way or the other, but I would rather he do it than not do it.我没有办法得到情报,但是我宁愿他去做。He claimed he would rather go to prison than continue being dunned by the taxman.他声称宁可坐牢也不愿意再被税务局催款。He himself believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it.他非常崇尚自由,不自由,毋宁死。Kids would rather play than study.孩子们宁愿玩也不愿学习。I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.我宁愿把这些钱付给个人,也不愿它们因未作任何处置而自动地归国家所有。I would rather be honest with people than tell them that there is going to be some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.我宁肯实话实说也不愿意给予他们不切实际的期望。He would rather play than work.他宁可玩,却不愿工作。I would rather go out to dinner than cook at home tonight.今晚我宁可出去吃饭,也不想在家做饭。She would rather have to repay the bank than borrow from her parents and have to repay them.她宁愿向银行借钱也不愿向父母借钱然后再还给他们。She would rather perjure herself than admit to her sins.她宁愿在法庭上撒谎也不愿承认她的罪行。Many children would rather eat ice cream from cones than from dishes.许多小孩喜欢吃蛋卷冰淇淋胜过盘装冰淇淋。I personally would rather roast a chicken whole.我个人更愿意烤整只鸡。He would rather have a decent death which served some purpose than a meaningless death.他宁愿死得其所,也不想无谓地死去。We could eat later if you would rather do that.如果你想的话,我们可以晚点吃的。I'm sure there are some folk who would rather they weren't here.我敢肯定有些人宁愿自己不在这里的。They would rather schuss than take the cable car.他们宁可滑雪下山也不愿坐缆车。I would rather do some reading at home than go shopping with them.与其和他们去购物,我倒宁愿留在家里读点书。




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