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词汇 wound
例句 The soldier received no staggering wound from any of the three shots.三枪中的任何一枪都没使这个士兵受到什么惊人的枪伤。John saw that he was bleeding from some sort of wound on his chest.约翰看到他胸口在流血,好像受了什么伤。She really wound me up.她真把我吓坏了。If you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the wound is cleaned well, or an infection could set in.如果你被狗咬了,必须确保伤口彻底清理干净,否则可能会发生感染。The wound left an ugly scar on his face.伤在他脸上留下难看的疤痕。Tom wound his clock before he went to bed.汤姆睡觉之前给钟上发条。I washed out the wound with antiseptic.我用消毒剂清洗了伤口。This type of wound is best kept dry without a dressing.这种伤口最好保持干爽,不要上敷料。According to the police report, the victim died of a knife wound.根据警方的报告,被害人死于刀伤。You have to give the wound a chance to heal. 你得让伤口慢慢愈合。He wound the bandage tightly around his ankle.他把绷带紧紧地缠在脚踝上。The wound was taped up.伤口用绷带包扎起来。The wound is healing nicely.伤口愈合得很好。The exit wound made by the bullet was much larger than the entry wound.子弹造成的出弹伤口比入弹伤口大得多。He applies direct pressure to the wound.他直接按压住伤口。Hold the wound closed to help stem the bleeding.按住伤口帮助止血。Apply pressure to the wound to stop it bleeding.压住伤口止血。Clean the wound thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection.彻底清洗伤口以减少感染的风险。He died from a gunshot wound to the head.他死于头部枪伤。Despite the large amount of blood, it was only a flesh wound.尽管流了大量的血,但只不过是皮肉伤。The poor guy wound up with a slug in his stomach.那个可怜的家伙腹部中了一枪。The nurse bathed his wound with iodine.护士在他的伤口上涂碘酒。A strain of music wound into the air.乐曲声在空中回旋缭绕。Her wound has been troubling her a lot this week.这星期她伤口一直很疼。They'd said the wound was only about this big you see and he showed me with his fingers.他们说伤口只有这么一点大,他还用手指比划给我看。The handcuff had worn an angry red wound on his wrist.手铐在他腕上磨出的伤口已经红肿发炎。The snake wound around a branch.蛇盘绕在一根树枝上。The solemn procession wound its way through the narrow streets.庄严的游行队伍迂回地穿过狭窄的街道。He wound up his speech with a quotation.他以一句引语结束他的演讲。Clean the wound with mild antibacterial soap.用温和抗菌皂清洗伤口。Near the end of the battle, he received a mortal wound.战斗快要结束时,他受了致命伤。The boxer was all wound up before the big fight.这位拳击运动员在那场大赛前夕兴奋异常。The surgeon sewed the wound shut.外科医生把伤口缝合了。The wound took a long time to heal.伤口过了很久才愈合。The doctor gave the patient specific instructions on how to care for the wound.医生就如何护理伤口给了病人明确的指导。It's bad enough that he beat me, but the way he keeps talking about it is just rubbing salt in the wound.输给他已经够糟的了,可他还老把这事挂在嘴边,这无疑是在我的伤口上撒盐。She wound the scarf around her neck.她把围巾围在脖子上。She wound her arms around his neck.她用双臂抱住他的脖子。He gently cleaned the wound and dressed it.他轻轻清洗了伤口,然后包扎好。Blood gushed from the wound.血从伤口中冒出。




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