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词汇 Job
例句 Job creation has become an imperative for the government.创造就业机会成了政府必须做的事。Alongside the Job Creation Programme they launched a Work Experience Programme.在开展创造就业项目的同时,他们还启动了工作经历项目。The movie seems to invite comparison with 'The Italian Job'.这部影片似乎让人们自然而然地将其与《偷天换日》相比较。Job losses in manufacturing were balanced by job increases in the service sector.制造业职位的减少因服务行业就业机会的增加而得到了弥补。Job opportunities are severely limited/restricted at the moment.眼下工作机会非常短缺。Job troubles top the list of stress factors for Americans today.工作烦恼位列当今美国人压力因素之首。Job-sharing and flexitime are a boon for working mothers.轮班制和弹性工作制对职业母亲有利。Job cuts were necessary to cover mounting costs.需要裁员以应对成本不断上升的压力。Job openings were outpacing the supply of qualified workers.职位空缺正在超过合格工人的供应人数。It was a verse from the book of Job. It was so apropos.这是摘自乔布书中的一句诗,用得非常恰当。Job prospects for graduates don't look good.毕业生的工作前景看上去不妙。Job creation will be an important issue in next year's elections.创造就业岗位将是下一年选举中的重要议题。Job insecurity is widespread in the fast-changing American workplace.工作缺乏保障普遍存在于美国飞速变化中的各行各业。Job losses are speeding up.失业趋势正在不断加快。It was a verse from The Book of Job. It was so apropos.这是摘自《约伯记》的一句经文,用得非常贴切。Job hunting takes a lot of effort and can be a long, depressing process.找工作很费心,有时是一个漫长、令人沮丧的过程。Job insecurity is making presenteeism increasingly common.工作上的不安全感使故意加班现象越来越普遍。Job training will augment the class work.就业培训将补充课堂学习的内容。Job endured many inflictions with patience.约伯坚韧地忍受了许多苦难。Job applicants have to submit a specimen of handwriting.工作申请者必须提交一份书法样本。The Job Corps is a vocational training program for low-income youths.职业培训团是一项为低收入青年提供职业培训的计划。Job losses are an unfortunate byproduct of the recession.失业是经济衰退的不幸产物。Job security has become the touchstone of a good job for many employees.工作稳定性已成为很多员工衡量一份工作好坏的标准。




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