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词汇 的老板
例句 Her boss failed to stop the other workers from verbally abusing her.的老板没能阻止其他员工对她恶语相向。The restaurant's owner and chef are one and the same person. 这家餐馆的老板和主厨是同一个人。She won the grudging respect of her boss.的老板也不由得敬重她。My boss thinks I've been fiddling my travel expenses.的老板觉得我在虚报交通费。The owners of that restaurant must be really raking it in.那家饭店的老板们一定是在赚大钱。She is not viewed as a threat by her former employer.她以前的老板认为她不会对自己构成威胁。My boss finally got me to take the course - he's very insistent.的老板最终使我去参加了那门课程,他硬要我去。Why do you treat your boss with such deference?为什么你这么顺从你的老板She successfully prosecuted her boss for sexual harassment.她以性骚扰为理由成功起诉她的老板I'll ask my boss if I can have a day off next week.我要请示我的老板下星期我能否请一天假。There is just one snag-his boss might not let him go.只有一个问题,就是他的老板可能不放他走。Sam quitted his job, leaving his boss in the lurch.萨姆辞职不干了,使他的老板陷于困境。Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.的老板建议调她常驻海外。Mark, my boss, had a surprise party to welcome me home.的老板马克举办一场惊喜聚会欢迎我回来。My boss is just an impossible woman.的老板是个难对付的女人。He got off the train and hurried in to see his boss.他下了火车就赶来见他的老板My boss insists on doing everything by the book.的老板坚持一切照章办事。My boss was a disgusting man who used to leer at me whenever he passed by my desk.的老板是个讨厌的男人,每次经过我的办公桌都不怀好意地对我笑。The owners of the company had/held the whip hand in the negotiations.这家公司的老板在谈判中占据主导地位。His boss read him the riot act for making careless mistakes.的老板严厉警告他别再犯粗心大意的错。Her boss cleared the article for publication.的老板同意发表这篇文章。I asked to speak to her boss and she just flew into a rage.我要求跟她的老板谈话,结果她勃然大怒。Unfair bosses and rude customers make us unhappy on the job.不公正的老板和粗鲁的顾客让我们工作起来很不愉快。He got jack of working with four meddling bosses.他已经厌倦了为四个好指手画脚的老板工作。I've been thinking about pitching the idea to my boss.我一直在考虑向我的老板推销这个点子。Her boss did not display any human traits.的老板没有一点儿人性。Over breakfast at my motel, I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop.我在汽车旅店吃早饭时,和一位五金店的老板聊了起来。Wantz's job is to teach employees how to handle difficult bosses and co-workers.万茨的工作是教雇员如何与难相处的老板和同事打交道。We were unsuspecting of the fact that he was the very boss there.我们没料想到他就是那里的老板My boss emphasised that everyone should come on time.的老板强调指出每个人都该准时到。Her boss gave her a hefty raise.的老板给她加了很多薪水。BBC bosses might bridle at the suggestion.英国广播公司的老板们有可能会被这一提议惹怒。They said she had a servile attitude to her employer.他们说她对她的老板阿谀逢迎。Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.不管怎样,她对她以前的老板并没有怀恨在心。I thought we could handle this ourselves, but my boss had other ideas. 我认为我们自己能处理这件事,但我的老板却不赞成。She disliked her boss intensely.她极其厌恶她的老板The management compared unfavourably with the previous owners.现在的管理层比之前的老板要相对逊色。When his prospective employers learned that he smoked, they said they wouldn't hire him.本有可能雇用他的老板们得知他吸烟后,说他们不会雇他。Overnight my boss seems to have turned into a tyrant.的老板一夜之间似乎变成了一个暴君。My boss is kind of a dictator.的老板是个有点独断专行的人。




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