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His results are inconsistent with our data.他的结果和我们的数据相矛盾。The original results conflict with more recent findings.最初的结果与新近的研究结果相矛盾。The worst results cannot faze him.最坏的结果也不会使他担忧。The success of the expedition was the result of much calculation.这次探险的成功是周密分析思考的结果。We found some puzzling results.我们发现了一些令人困惑的结果。Results from the two rounds count towards championship points.这两轮比赛的结果计入锦标赛的得分。Schatz pledged that the parents would be fully informed of the inquiry's findings.沙茨保证,调查的结果将向家长详细通报。As a matter of course, war followed.作为必然的结果,战争接着爆发。The upshot of that experience was that I decided I didn't want to study medicine after all.那次经历造成的结果,就是我决定还是不去学医了。Reliance on sponsorship can have a malign effect on theatre groups.依赖赞助商可能会给剧团带来极坏的结果。And did your intervention produce the desired result?你的干预得到满意的结果了吗?The results of the study are at odds with our previous findings.研究的结果与我们以前调查的结果有矛盾。The results of the study give further support to the hypothesis.这项研究的结果进一步证实了这个假设。The results of this experiment do not signify.这次实验的结果无关紧要。The downfall of oil price may result in a deflation.油价大跌的结果可能造成通货紧缩。We got remarkably/strikingly similar results.我们获得的结果特别/惊人地相似。These actions are a clear attempt to influence the outcome of the elections.这些行为明显是在企图影响选举的结果。This result had been widely predicted by the opinion polls.这样的结果已经被各项民意调查预测到了。The machines were not yet accurate enough to give useful results.这些机器还不够精确,提供不了有用的结果。Things didn't pan out as he'd planned.事情的结果并不像他早先计划的那样。It's been a collaborative effort.这是共同努力的结果。Data from recent experiments show consistent results. 近期的实验数据显示出了相同的结果。All the athletes’ drugs tests were negative.所有运动员药品测试的结果都是阴性。The aim is to evaluate possible outcomes.目的是评估可能出现的结果。His future as prime minister depends on the outcome of the elections.他能否继续坐在首相的位子上取决于选举的结果。This was not the result we had hoped to achieve.这并不是我们希望得到的结果。The vote is in the negative.投票表决的结果是反对。The government has classified the results of the nuclear tests.政府把核测试的结果归入保密级别。Last year's results were fairly dismal.去年的结果相当令人失望。He was prescient of the outcome of the jailbreak before it took place.在发生之前,他对劫狱的结果已有先见之明。One of the accused got off lightly in exchange for pleading guilty to withholding information from Congress.一名被告承认了犯有对国会隐瞒信息的罪行,换得被从轻发落的结果。The outcome of this experiment is well known.这次实验的结果众所周知。The figures are fully consistent with last year's results.这些数字与去年的结果完全一致。The vote was in her favor.投票的结果是她赢了。Waiting for the result of the medical tests was sheer torment.等待医疗检查的结果简直就是一种折磨。Results for the test program haven't been tabulated.试验的结果还没有制成表格。He has a personal stake in the outcome of the war.战争的结果与他有切身的利害关系。The winner was all smiles as he heard the results of the voting.获胜者听到投票的结果时喜形于色。The result was entirely correspondent with my wishes.事情的结果同我的愿望完全一致。The results of the blood test were abnormal.验血的结果不正常。 |