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词汇 as always
例句 He was wearing as always his faded army uniform.他同平时一样穿着他那件退了色的军服。Your children, as always, were very well-behaved. 你的孩子们彬彬有礼,一向如此。What the weather will be like on the day is, as always, the great unknown.到时天气会怎样一向都是个未知数。Jim was the first to arrive, as always.同往常一样,吉姆第一个到达。Whistler, as always, was merciless.和以往一样,惠斯勒还是那么冷酷无情。The judging was difficult as always.当裁判是一如既往地难。He pulled himself together, as always, by throwing himself back into his work.他和往常一样,重新投入工作使自己振作了起来。The judging was difficult as always.评判和以往一样难以抉择。The truth, as always, is more complicated.同料想的一样,事实更为复杂。She found the key taped to the underneath of the table, as always.她发现钥匙跟往常一样就粘在桌子下面。The promise of tax cuts proved, as always, to be the Republican Party's trump card.一如以往,承诺减税是共和党的王牌。He was, as always, immaculately dressed.他和平时一样,穿着得体,无可挑剔。The truth, as always, is slightly less palatable.真相总是有点让人难以接受。Kevin was fashionably late as always.和往常一样,凯文又迟到了一会儿。Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always.帕特里夏一如既往地美丽优雅。He was as lecherous as always, telling rude jokes and trying to kiss all the girls.他还是那么好色,开着粗俗的玩笑,所有的女孩子他都想亲一下。The media, as always, played an important part in the election campaign.媒体在竞选活动中一如既往地起到了重要的作用。




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