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词汇 牢房
例句 He escaped by sawing through the bars of his cell.他锯断牢房的窗栅栏逃走了。One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten.一名犯人声称他曾被拖进一间牢房,全身被扒光并遭到毒打。The cell contained an iron bedframe bolted to the floor.牢房里有一张用螺栓固定在地板上的铁床架。Kept in that dark cell, I could no longer tell whether it was day or night.我被关在漆黑的牢房里,不知是白天还是黑夜。The prisoners’ cells faced each other across an aisle.牢房是面对面的,中间隔着一条通道。The prison door clanged shut again.牢房的门又啷当一声关上了。The prisoner washed down the walls of his cell.那个犯人彻底清洗了牢房的墙面。The two men broke out of their cells and cut through a perimeter fence.这两个人逃出牢房,并越过了围墙。In her prison cell, she ate the slops mechanically.牢房里,她机械地吃着那些流食。I was held overnight in a cell.我在牢房里被关了一夜。He often dreamed of home from his prison cell.在监狱牢房里,他经常梦到家。The prisoner was placed in a holding cell.囚犯被关在一个临时牢房里。He was jailed for pocketing public funds.他因侵吞公款进了牢房The prison cells have no electricity and no floor coverings.牢房里没有电,地上光秃秃的。He was kept prisoner in a cold, dank cell.他被囚禁在阴冷潮湿的牢房里。They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulfide gas bound up in their cells.他们的牢房里有大量的硫化氢气体。He is currently under lock and key at Eastmoor secure unit in Leeds.他目前被关押在利兹的伊斯特莫尔隔离牢房The guards conducted a shakedown of the prisoners' cells to look for weapons.为了寻找武器,卫兵对囚徒的牢房进行了彻底搜查。The air within the cell was foul.牢房里的空气污浊不堪。During the riots, some of the prisoners barricaded their cells.暴动期间,有些囚犯把牢房堵了起来。The committee is concerned about the large number of prisoners sharing cells.这个委员会对牢房拥挤问题表示担忧。The prisoners dug a tunnel under their cell and so managed to escape.犯人们在牢房底下挖了一条地道而终于越狱成功。She trembled at the thought of going back through those prison doors.一想到要回去走过那一道道的牢房门,她就不寒而栗。Guards rushed into his cell and strung him up.狱吏冲进牢房把他吊死了。The guards hustled the prisoners into the jail.狱警把犯人推进牢房They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulphide gas bound up in their cells.他们的牢房里会积聚大量硫化氢气体。The prisoners spend only four hours a day out of their cells.囚犯每天只有四小时在牢房外面活动。Many of the prisoners have told of the terrible conditions they were kept in and how they were beaten.许多囚犯讲述了他们牢房的恶劣条件以及被殴打的情形。She wanted out of the jail cell so badly she started to scream.她因为太想离开牢房,便开始尖声叫喊。They were locked up in a stinking cell.他们被关在一个臭烘烘的牢房里。The prisoners used to call out to each other from their cells.以前,囚犯们就在自己的牢房互相喊来喊去。While in prison he shared a cell with Ron Spicer.在狱中他与罗恩·斯派塞同住一间牢房The paper claims to provide proof that some drug lords are doing business from their jail cells.这份报纸称他们可以提供一些大毒枭在监狱牢房里遥控生意的证据。His prison cellmate had slept through the tragedy.悲剧发生的时候,与他同牢房的人一直都在睡觉。Prisoners were led blindfold to their cells.犯人被蒙住眼睛带到牢房The cell was originally designed for only two prisoners.这间牢房原来设计只能关押两名囚犯。He was locked up alone in a pitch-dark cell.他被单独关在一个漆黑的牢房里。The prisoners overpowered their guards and locked them in a cell.囚犯们制服了监狱看守,并将他们锁进了牢房She died in a prison cell.她死在牢房里。The cops threw him in the can.警察把他投入了牢房




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